Would my weight loss be greater or lesser depending on my BMI?

My BMI is 42 and I am 46y/o/F and weigh 255lbs.. I was just wondering if someone whose BMI is greater and might weigh over 300 lbs. would loose weight faster than myself for instance? What would be the determining factors? I've heard mixed reports on high -v-low BMI's    — Elizabeth P. (posted on January 13, 2002)

January 13, 2002
A person who weighs more than you will more than likely lose more than you. If you lost as much as I did your first month (50 lbs) your surgeon would / should worry. But my starting weight was 513 lbs. This doesn't mean you aren't losing what *you* are supposed to if you don't lose this much, but everyone loses different and starting weight can be a big factor.
   — Elizabeth D.

January 13, 2002
Someone with a lot more weight to lose will lose faster. That is because with more fat stores to deplete, the malabsorption allows a faster rate of "burning" the fat. A person with less weight to lose will have a slightly more conservative effect. Trust your knows what it is doing. Good luck!
   — emilyfink

January 13, 2002
Hi Elizabeth...I started out at 253 and lost 105lbs in 7 months. I thought my weightloss would be real slow after a few months..but it actually came off faster..*S* I'm now down 108lbs..and I'm about 10lbs from goal. My 1 year anniversary isn't till I think things are going very good and I'm so very happy with the results. I really feel you will do fine. Allow yourself a good year to get to your goal weight. It will happen..I'm living proof...*S* Take care and good luck!!
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
My friend and I had surgery one week apart, she was over 300lbs., me 245. I had my surgery first, by same doc, she has already passed me as far as weight loss. HOWEVER, usually the lightweights reach goal a lot quicker than those that have more to lose. I am 9 weeks post-op, down 43 lbs., only 67lbs. to goal!~! And I just started!!
   — Cheri M.

January 14, 2002
You might say I'm a "super lightweight" my starting weight was 207, but I'm only 4'1"! I am 1 month out and have lost 14#. Talk about discouraging! ( some people lose 30-40+ in a month!) But according to the goal chart here on the site, I am actually 2# ahead of my 1 month goal. I am happy w/ my little loss. I think light-weights do lose slower. If I lost 50# in 1 month, I would be more tha 1/2 way to my goal.
   — Cindee A.

January 14, 2002
Correction: 4'11" not 4'1"!
   — Cindee A.

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