What is Biotin used for and how can I find it?

I hear now and then WLS people using Biotin. Where can I find it other and in the liquid multivitamin. The liquid multi-vitamin is the only source I have found thus far to have 100% of the RDA. Do I need it? I read something about it helping with hairloss?? But cant I get that assistance through folate(folic acid) and good protien intake????    — Pamela W. (posted on November 14, 2001)

November 13, 2001
It is used for hair loss. For a more complete description you may want to look at this web site: Hope this helps.
   — Phiddy B.

November 13, 2001
Hi, I am pre-op and I've been taking Biotin for about 2 months now. I found it at Walmart. I have already noticed a difference in the thickness of my hair. Everytime I try to put up my hair my barrette comes unsnapped. I've also started taking one of those "One a Day" vitamins. I want to be healthy before surgery and want to try to do everything I can to avoid losing my hair but if I could lose 150lbs and lose a little hair that's still a pretty good trade off.
   — Angie B.

November 13, 2001
I use something Hair Nourish and it has Biotin in it plus some other vitamins. I bought it at GNC. They also carry several other products with Biotin in it. I Although I am losing some hair it is not as bad as it could be I'm sure.
   — Betty M.

November 13, 2001
Hi Pamela! I am six months out after my RNY. Three months after my surgery, I was experiencing LOTS of hairloss. My hair dresser said that it is more to do with the trauma from the surgery and anesthetic than it is with protein. That's just what she said said. Anyway, she told me to take Biotin twice a day to help with the hairloss. She also told me to go to Sally Beauty supply and buy a shampoo and treatment called Nutri-Ox. I bought both of them and have used them faithfully the past 6 weeks. I have really seen a BIG improvement. My hair is thicker and I don't have bald spots anymore. She told me I had to use it everyday faithfully, or it wouldn't work. The treatment is around $8.99 a bottle and the shampoo is around $5.99.
   — Lori E.

November 13, 2001
I am 3 months post open RNY and just now starting to "shed." I purchased Biotin tablets for $2.99 thru Also, they have Biotin shampoo and Biotin Conditioner, 12 oz bottles--2 for $8.98. I've only used them for about a week so can't post any results as of yet.
   — Kelly H.

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