I am 3 1/2 weeks post op and in the last two days, I feel like I have been SO hungry.

Is this okay? I have stuck to my 3 meals a day, protien first, but it doesn't seem like enough. Am I not eating enough? I don't want to go back to eating like I used to, does anyone have any suggestions? HELP!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 10, 2001)

November 10, 2001
I personally would not find that very satisfying. When did you start your protein supps? That helps, since two 30g drinks will cover almost all your protein needs. But due to the tiny pouch, we ate 6 one oz meals per day, which works out to about every 2-3 hours. Keeps the blood sugar from wandering so much, as well as preventing overstuffing of the pouch. By the time you get your protein supps and water in, then shoot for 6 mini-meals, you will be wondering where the heck you will put it all!
   — vitalady

November 10, 2001
Is your period on the way? (assuming you're female?). For the first couple of months post, there would be days where I felt like I could eat all day long. Then 2 days later, I'd get my period. This may be normal for some but prior to surgery I had been extremely irregular (no PCOS) for 15 years (maybe 3 periods a year). Anyway, I now get one every 28-30 days (thank God) and 2-3 days prior have an appetite all day long. Hope this helps! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

November 11, 2001
Sometimes how much you eat WILL vary from day to day. For example, last week I had about two or three days where it seemed liked I was SOOO hungry. I added an extra meal (a nutrious one). I started to beat myself up about but then a couple of days later it was like I didn't want hardly ANYTHING to eat. So try to keep it in perspective. SOmetimes we will be able to eat more than we think we should then other times we'll think it's not enough. I've just tried to listen to my body and make sure that what I do eat is healthy.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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