I want to start a support group but need to know if there are specific guidelines.

If anyone knows of specific guidelines to start a WLS support group I sure would appreciate the help. thanks, rose    — rose B. (posted on September 6, 2001)

September 6, 2001
Rose - there is a terrific support group in Kansas City is run by a woman named Barb (can't think of her last name for the life of me!!). She and another woman started it several years ago. It is great!! I'm sure she would be more than happy to give you info. I am on vacation - however, I do have her email address at home. If you will send me an email, I will send it to you. The support group is on the web...not sure, maybe yahoo...initials are KCWLSSG. Best of luck to you. Open RNY 07/17/01.
   — blee01

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