Will I have to remove my piercing???

I just got my nipple pierced last night,I am wondering will I have to take it out before I can have surgery...? I don't know excatly when I will gett he surgery,But I don't want to chance it closing up,there is no way I will ever go through the pain to have it done again...any ideas on this???    — Brandy P. (posted on July 22, 2001)

July 22, 2001
Brandy, I've never seen any hospital or surgeon who would allow jewelry to be worn during surgery. More likely than not you will have to remove all body piercing the morning of surgery, however, you can usually put it back in when you return to your hospital room.. of course you'll be feeling sort of out of it, so you may need a good friend to help put them back in! On the up side, since you'll be on good pain meds, it shouldn't hurt! Good luck!
   — BethVBG

July 22, 2001
I doubt if you will be able to wear any type of jewelry during surgery, but what about using thread, or fishing line or something just to make sure it doesn't close up. Surely someone at the place you had it pierced would have more information on this subject. I would suggest calling and see what they have to say. Good luck.
   — Kim B.

July 22, 2001
Brandy, I had a friend bring the ring to the surgeon right before surgery and he just sterilized it and put it back in right after the surgery while she was still asleep. she never felt a thing and it was there when she woke up. Try asking him if he will do this.
   — Barbara H.

July 22, 2001
Brandy, I had my surgery April 23. My tongue was pierced in October. I took my tongue ring out right before they wheeled me back to the OR. Seven hours later, when I finally got a room, my hubby tried valiantly to help get the ring back in. NOT happening. So now I am ringless until I work up the nerve to do it again. You are not guaranteed to be in a room within two hours. My piercer told me not to leave the ring out more than 4-6 hours at a time or it would close up. Sorry, but is it really that important to keep it??? I am sad mine is lost, but I am even more glad about my weight loss. I have lost 66lbs and 40 inches in just 3 months. Makes the piercing look kind of trivial doesn't it??
   — Tere F.

July 22, 2001
Nipple pierced? I don't know what your surgeon will want you to do, but I can think of only one word....OUCH! lol
   — Donna L.

July 22, 2001
I talked to my brother and he said they have little corklike things called plugs that can be worn too In place of the fishing string or thread.Maybe one of those with a band-aid over it to hold it in i hopefully won't have to lose it,and yes Tere it is that important because I have wanted it for several years and It hurt too bad to have it done again.(in my opinion it ranked up there with childbirth ;o) I had it pierced at home the same way they do it in a salon. My Brother is a body piercer. I'll ask my surgeon when I get to talk to him. Thanks for all the suggestions....Brandy
   — Brandy P.

July 22, 2001
Another option is to see if you can wear a retainer. Many places online who sell piercing jewelery also sell plastic flesh colored retainers that work very well. I am pre-op and no longer have my body piercings but I have used retainers in the past for situations where I wasn't comfortable with my tongue piercing being visible. Here's a link to one place that has them: Or, you might be able to find some specifically for your piercing if a straight retainer would be uncomfortable. Good luck, Meredith
   — Meredith P.

July 22, 2001
Just a thought but, I was reading your profile and you weigh about the same as me and from what I've been able to find out about this surgery is that your breast WILL sag. Not a nice thought I know but, why not wait to redo after breast reduction later on down the road. I can't imagine the pain of catching it on my pants when they are down to my knees!!! lol Sorry if offend I really don't mean to. Just my thoughts
   — [Anonymous]

July 22, 2001
For the last poster,My boobs sag anyways,they never have been perky. I know piercing is supposed to be for perky boobs,but Oh was something I really wanted to do. No boob job for me,I don't want to risk all the problems with implants,The only thing I ever even thought of getting may be a lift,But I don't think so,My genetics are saggy boobs. Merideth thanks for the suggestion,about the retainers,I was thinking the same thing after I thought about it for a while.
   — Brandy P.

July 22, 2001
I believe that no jewelry in the OR is due to the fact that if you needed to be shocked with the paddles during the procedure that the metal would be a problem. There are plastic rings you can slip through the hole.
   — [Anonymous]

July 22, 2001
I was allowed to wear my wedding band into surgery. They taped it on with surgical tape. Maybe they would be willing to do the same for you? I think they tape our boobs up anyway to keep them out of the least thats why I think I had tape gunk under them!!! -Kim
   — KimBo36

July 23, 2001
I wore my nipple rings into surgery. They taped them down. I just told them I did not have the tool to remove them and unless they wanted to rip my nipple apart they were staying on. Low and behold they really did not have to be removed.
   — Tracy C.

July 23, 2001
I had to remove all of my earrings, rings and my nose stud. But even my 'youngest' piercing I've had for about 4 years now so it was easy to put them all back in the following day when I was able to.... Sis helped me. I think you should get the acrylic jewelry- as I don't think they will make you remove that for surgery.
   — Karen R.

February 21, 2002
This is for the anonymous poster. To even suggest having it redone means that you have no idea how much it hurts to have it done in the first place. I have had mine for ten years, and know without a doubt that I would never have them redone. I just used platic retainers for previous surgeries. If your piercing is new though, you will need to put your surgical stanless jewelry back as soon as you can.
   — MnShadows

April 14, 2002
4/14/02 I had my tragus (by the opening of the ear, that pointy thing for lack of a scientific definition)pierced 3 days ago and i know my surgery date will be scheduled soon. I hope i will not have to take it out for surgery but if it is required i will have to comply. Wondering if anyone here has had a newer type piercing on the tragus that they were able to replace with something plastic so soon after getting it done? Had i even gave it a thought (jewelery during surgery) i would have waited but i do soooooooo love the way it looks :) Thanks :) ~Jodi
   — Jodi D.

August 16, 2002
i have 2 genital piercings and will refuse to have them removed. it has nothing to do with priorities. i just know doctors and know that if you protest even just a wee bit, you can get your own way ;
   — qkarinb

August 16, 2002
Why not just remove the metal and put the temporary plastic hardware in? Why fight this? Not sure I quite understand? This is not a piercing pro/con- it's an electrocution/burning issue. If that doesn't worry you- go check out Julia Ziobro's page, where she was accidentially burned during one of her surgeries- and she WASN'T wearing metal.
   — Karen R.

February 17, 2003
How do you know that when you loose all of your weight that you wont want to have a peircing anymore?? I have my tongue peirced so I feel your delima. They made me take it out when they did my gallbladder surgery because of the lasers that they use. I would just get a plastic peice and put in there:)
   — harleigh2002

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