Six months post op and having stomache pain
I am six months post op today. Last night after dinner, I drank my water as I always do (approx 15 min's after). This time I hurt. I don't know if I drank too much or too fast. But I still hurt today. It kind of comes and goes. I have not eaten or drank as I normally do. The pain is kind of hard to describe. It isn't there all the time but when it is it is very uncomfortable- not unbearable. Can any of you help? Thanks! — Cindy K. (posted on July 16, 2001)
July 16, 2001
I am 3 months post-op, and sick all the time,,,,,,I am waiteding for an
appoitment for the GI Doc to do an EGD, they think my Stoma is
narrowing,,,,,,,I hope they will do it soon....
— Marie B.
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