Not using artifical sweeteners...anyone else?

I do not use artificial sweetneres and am concerned as to how to approach this subject with my surgeon. The post op diet in teh hospitalis almost ALL artificially sweetened, except the broth.    — Donna P. (posted on July 13, 2001)

July 13, 2001
I would just tell the dr whats up. If you don't like artificial sweetners talk w/ them about alternatives etc. I for one am not fond of them either.
   — Dawn R.

July 13, 2001
Are you avoiding them because of health concerns? If so, I agree that nutra sweet is very dangerous to many people -- especially when it is heated. I avoid it most of the time myself. I don't know, but I think Splenda is the up and coming substitute that will not have these adverse effects. It is made from sugar, but has no calories. I dumped, early on, from sugar, but can now use a little sugar in my foods and drinks without ill effects. And, natural sugars in fruit and fruit juices have never had an adverse effect on me. You can find recipes that use juice for sweetener if you look. Do a search on the internet to help. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

July 13, 2001
I am 3 months post-op today, Lap/RNY and have lost 53 lbs. I do not use artificial sweeteners. My surgeon told me from the beginning that it was not necessary to go totally sugar free. He said it's not the amount of sugar you eat, but how fast you consume it. I have had 'real sugar' from the first day post op. The hospital gave me jello w/sugar and fruit juices. When I got home I used the regular popsicles, drank apple juice, iced tea with sugar (watered down) and have had no problem. I've used Carnation Instant Breakfast w/sugar. At about 6 weeks post-op I began to enjoy evening snacks of Nestles Sweet Success candy, Mini Chips Ahoy and Mini Oreo Cookies. I eat them at a moderate pace and my new smaller tummy prevents me from eating more than a few. I even use Slim Fast once in a while which my nutritionist said is okay occasionally. I don't know if your surgeon will be accepting of this approach but I'm here to tell you that not using artificial sweeteners is working for me. Best of luck to you.
   — Jeanne R.

July 13, 2001
A month before surgery I heard of Splenda for the first time. I cut my sugar intake down a whopping 75%! So after surgery I had been weaned from sugar. I don't even enjoy it anymore. It does'nt make me dump, but I don't enjoy it and it can make me nausus. For this I'm glad as I was addicted to sugar and carbs that turn to sugar. So now, if I don't eat much sugar, perhaps my weight will get off and stay off. If I was you, I would'nt even try to tollerate it! Get away from it or you "could" see the end of all your efforts at weight loss! If you have'nt tried Splenda then do! Then gradually cut down on your sugar and replace it with Splenda. It sure would be awful if you had a bypass for nothing..... I use it in baking. Example: Custard (lots of eggs and sugar) but use Splenda instead of the sugar. So, HIGH protein, no sugar and very good tasting. You can use it instead of sugar in cookies too. (They have a chocolate cake recipe on the back of the box that looks great and low fat with no sugar!).
   — Danmark

July 13, 2001
Daniel - if sugar makes you nauseaus - that IS dumping! Not everyone gets a lot of symptoms from it, I just feel nauseaus and a little shaky. I only dumped for real once (and I felt terrible , sweaty and dizzy and had to lie down at work), in the beginning, since then I just stay below 9 g of sugar - so you say you don't dump, but you may after all...have you just maybe stayed away from a lot of sugar since you are so early post op?
   — M. A. B.

July 13, 2001
I thought "dumping" is when you felt like your having a heart attack, and puking and crapping..... never had that thankfully. Just alittle nausa. Nothing to bad. But I still plan on staying as far away from sugar as I can. Can't avoid it completly of course, but I don't want to get use to it. ;)
   — Danmark

July 13, 2001
at my consultation my surgeon hit on this subject. i, too, refuse to use artificial sweetners. i get the most awful after taste from them. anyway, he said he would rather see his patients drink a SMALL regular soda as opposed to a LARGE diet (artificially sweetened) drink or snack. he doesnt believe in artificial sweetners & said that with alot of moderation there is no reason why real sugar cant be consumed.
   — sheryl titone

July 13, 2001
I was uncontrolable when it came to sweets before my operation. (open rny). But I noticed in the hospital, even the sugar free jello was too sweet. Occasionaly I want to taste one of my old favorites from the past, so I lick a taste and believe it or not, that is enough to satisfy the craving. Pre op, I used sweet and low all the time in my drinks. Now I don't use it at all. To give flavor to something like cream of wheat or even a protien drink, I use punpkin pie spice, vanilla, or cinnamon. It is very satisfying. Mary in NC
   — Mary W.

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