here is something a freind of mine told me:

you should stop your birth control pill a coupple of weeks prior to surgery to avoid blood clot ? but i feel this is a total NON SENCE ? the last thing we wanth is to become pregnant just before surgery ? any idea about that ?    — carou1313 (posted on June 4, 2001)

June 4, 2001
It is fairly common practice to stop birth control pills prior to surgery because of the risk of a blood clot. There are other acceptable methods of birth control that will not complicate surgery, for example the IUD
   — Margaret S.

June 4, 2001
If you are commited to having serious, life-altering surgery - perhaps you could commit to avoiding intercouse for a couple of weeks before the surgery? There are other ways to be intimate that don't result in pregnancy. Or use extreme caution - condoms and foam? It seems to me that this is an easy to solve problem in light of what you are undertaking otherwise.....
   — [Anonymous]

June 4, 2001
My doctor also requires getting off birth control the three weeks prior to surgery and not getting back on for at least one cycle afterwards. One of the most common complications of surgery is blood clots. Blood clots are also a common side effect of the pill. Why would you want to put yourself at that risk for a few nights in the sack? We are talking about your life here. If you look at the memorial page most of those people DIED from blood clots. You have made a wonderful choice to change your life by having this surgery. Don't play against yourself and question your doctor's orders. The sacrifices you have to make now will be worth the end results. Good luck!!
   — Rebecca L.

June 4, 2001
Please don't listen to what a friend says on this issue - talk to your surgeon! Per my surgeon's advice, I took my pills the day before surgery, and was back on them two days after surgery. - Kate -
   — kateseidel

June 5, 2001
I've heard that you should use two forms of birth control after surgery for a year or so just to make sure you do NOT get pregnant. I think this is an excellent idea, though not necessarily easy, convenient, or fun. But, neither is what might happen if you become pregnant while losing drastic amounts of weight. Call your surgeon with your question. His office will get back to you with the appropriate answer. You can always use a couple of other types of birth control just before surgery if need be also.
   — Cindy H.

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