What do you love about your local support group?

I just started a local support group, and with 19 people signed up, and our first meeting scheduled for June 19, I'm starting to get the jitters! How are the support groups you go to normally run, and what do you love and hate about it? I know I can wing it and get through it, but I want it to be a great experience for everyone in the room. Thanks in advance!    — Julia Z. (posted on June 3, 2001)

June 2, 2001
You might want to attend some locally and ponder what you would copy or change. There are some in your area already. We do not do our meetings food centered. Never in a restaurant. Ours are in our home, but libraries work or church buidlings. We serve ice water only, since the patients of many different docs come, so EVERYONE needs water, no matter where they are in which plan. The group is very warm & supportive. If someone needs to go in for testing or a scope, or needs rides to meetings or appts, there is often someone in the group who can help. And they enjoy helping one another. Because they are in my home, we can have a sort of perpetual clothing exchange going. I'm sure there are always ways to improve these meetings, as well, but the warmth & caring of the members is the BEST part.
   — vitalady

June 3, 2001
I started my support group and this Tuesday will be our 3rd meeting. We just keep growing. I love the fact that it is open to the public so people (like my mom) can come and meet people like me who are pre-ops or people who've had the surgery. I also like that because it is public and not sponsored by a hospital, there are people from all of the area hospitals (and some far away) that show up. It is amazing to hear the different stories. For the last 2 meetings we didn't really follow a format. Just introductions and what hospital etc. Then I kind of facilitated things by asking general questions (like what types of things have surprised you since your surgery) to get the meeting going. Since I've posted my name as the support contact (on the events page), I have received several emails about people having questions about WLS. I feel that that is a great thing because I can always provide a tactful response along with an open invitation to attend our meeting. Lastly, I like the fact that we are all connected by email and can contact each other between meetings to ask questions or check on the progress of one of the members that had surgery. (I am thinking about having a meeting where we all sample protein drinks). Good luck! People will thank you just for having the meeting.
   — Kimberly L.

June 11, 2001
I attended my first support group meeting on June 6th. I too was nervous, and got there so early that I sat in my car in the parking garage for 45 minutes before I went in. :) One of my own misconceptions was broken right away when I walked in and saw a table with food on it! (One of the members is getting married and they were having a bridal shower after the meeting) There must have been 25 or 30 people there, from post ops to pre ops to 'searchers' like me and it was WONDERFUL! We had formal question and answer and sharing time, went around sharing names and status.. and later of kinda broke into smaller groups. I met some people I've chatted with from and learned a great deal! I CANNOT WAIT to go to the next meeting! *a big wave to everyone at the WLS Support Group out of Providence Portland in Oregon* ~Peace..
   — Joscelin

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