Has anyone had a rectocele resolve itself post-op?

My midwife says that the rectocele I have had mildly for the past three years and more severely since the vaginal birth of my daughter in 01/00 will resolve itself when I get down to ~175 lbs. (currently 283, BMI 50.2). Has anyone had a rectocele "fix" itself, or should I ask my surgeon to fix this too while he's in there doing the RNY I hope to have? One of the websites I've seen on this talks about not having it fixed until you're done having kids, and also says that they do not self-resolve. Sigh. Any info welcome. is a good site with info on this problem.    — Julia Z. (posted on May 7, 2001)

May 8, 2001
Hi, I have a rectocele, I thought it was a prolapsed uterous, but my gyn said it was not. It has actually gotten worse since I had surgery. I am 7 mos post-op and have lost 100lbs. I feel terrific otherwise, and am thrilled with surgery, I figured it would get better with weight loss, but it didn't, and I am ok with that. I am going to have pelvic physical therapy to try and help it. I hope this helps.
   — Lauren P.

May 8, 2001
I haven't heard that it will get better.. a cystocele may improve but thats different.. as its the uterus or vagina comining into the vaginal cavity and reduced abdominal pressure can reduce that stress. I have had physical therapy recommended for me as well. A good colonc rectal surgeon should be best able to answer this question for you.
   — Dawn R.

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