Has anyone ever had a bile back-up problem after RNY surgery?

I was still dealing with nausea and vomitting 3 months post op so my surgeon scheduled me for an endoscopy to see what was goin on. The endoscopy was done on 4-26-01 and he told me that bile was backing up into my pouch. He is hoping the problem goes away, but if it does not I will need a modification to my original surgery. Has anyone else had this problem? Did it go away on its own or did you need a second surgery?    — Jennifer W. (posted on April 30, 2001)

April 30, 2001
Hey Jennifer! Have you tried any medications for this? I had a similar problem along with stomach pain. My doctor prescribed Prevacid 2x's a day. It has worked wonders! I never throw up as long as I take it! I would ask to try this before they would cut on me again. Good Luck!
   — Donna H.

April 30, 2001
Yes Jennifer, I had it very bad. I still will get it on occasion during the course of the day. My doctor had me try to pin point it and I figured it was my eating late and then sleeping on it. I go to school two nights a week after working full time and I don't get home until 10:30 at night. I found myself trying to eat something when I got home and I ended up paying for it. I'd wake up gagging and running to the bathroom. My throat would become so raw from the bile that I couldn't talk. Now I make sure I don't eat anything too late where it does not have time to digest itself. It has worked so far, knock on wood! As far as the daytime, I can taste it coming up but I still don't know why I still get it, considering I never had reflux prior to surgery. Hope it gets better.......Elaine
   — [Deactivated Member]

February 2, 2004
Hi Jennifer, Yes, nearly 2 months post op, I still have that vile bile back up problem you describe. I can't vomit, but I wish I could to get rid of it. I've been scoped twice, but some of the medical staff up here at Kaiser So. San Francisco seem to think it's all in my head. It's so bad that I gag all the time which only leads me not to want to try to eat. Seems like the protein drinks are all I can manage. Hope it gets better for you, and please let me know if anything helps you so that I can try it too!
   — Lucy M.

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