Can lifting weights now help with sagging skin later?

I haven't even had my first surgeon appointment yet but am starting to worry about sagging. I am about 125 lbs overweight and was wondering if I started lifting weights (lite not heavy) now (probably 9 months pre-op) would it help build muscle, tighten skin and help the general post-op sagging skin problem??? My only hesitate is I don't want to loose weight....I'm on the borderline and WANT this surgery. My appointment isn't until Oct 2001 with surgery probably in Dec or Jan.......    — Sue N. (posted on March 29, 2001)

March 29, 2001
It certainly cannot hurt. Lifting weights probably wont cause a reduction in weight either.. it should build some muscle which is more dense that fat so weight gain happens but you will typically get some inches lost. Your surgeon or PCP can probably best tell you the likelihood of skin bouncing back... it depends so much on your lifestyle, your weight, do you smoke or have you smoked, have you had children etc. I've seen people bounce back that I thought wouldn't and some I thought would and never did. I wish mine would bounce back but I think at 32, 1 child and smoking a good deal of my life, along w/ my weight and my body as it is now leaves me a sinking suspicion that I'll be getting my stomach, arms, breasts and possibly thighs done.. that is once/if I can get this darned surgery approved. Good luck!
   — Dawn R.

March 30, 2001
Lifting weights, or exercise, won't help. Your skin gets sagged out from having fat distend it over the years. Although a pound of muscle has less volume than a pound of fat, whether the fat comes off from exercise or WLS, the net effect on your skin is the same.
   — [Anonymous]

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