Is RNY surgery dangerous if I have hypothyroidism?

I have heard or read somewhere that RNY surgery is very, very dangerous because I have hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Now I can't find anything about it. Has anyone had surgery with hypothyroidism? Any problems? Any suggestions where I can get information?    — Anika R. (posted on March 4, 2001)

March 4, 2001
I have had diagnosed and treated hypothyroidism for over 10 years. It is a co-morbidity as far as my doc and surgeon are concerned. They're guessing that my body may respond in much the same way as a diabetic person's would, which is to no longer need medication and have good thyroid functioning. It certainly couldn't hurt!
   — Elaine P.

March 4, 2001
I have hypothyroidism, as well. In fact, my doctor told me that I had the lowest thyroid function he had ever seen, except on a cadaver! LOL Regular function, from TSH bloodwork, is a 6. I started out at 60... Took my meds, and went down to a 30 within 2 months.... Now, I hover at 10, which isn't too bad... I'm 42 and have been hypothyroid since age 8. So long as your synthroid keeps your TSH levels in a normal range and it stays stable, you should have no problems. If it is jumping around, you may have to straighten that out, prior to going forward with WLS surgery. I hope this helps to put you at ease! Good luck in your journey!
   — Dhelynn

March 4, 2001
I don't know where you can find information but I don't have a thyroid at all and I did just fine. I had thyroid cancer 22 yrs ago and Iv been on synthroid med for that many yrs. Hence the added weight gain I imagine. My doctor wants my number at about 4 on my blood work. It is not dangerous that I know of or Im sure I would have been told. Good luck. Margaret
   — Margaret S.

March 4, 2001
Ditto on the underactive thyroid. Had the surgery may2000 no problems. For a period of time about 2 or3 mo ago my thyroid went OVER active. If I haden't felt so wired all the time , I'd have left it alone, weight loss was great! But I was a lunatic! My doctor fixed it , after a couple of adjustments , and now I'm normal again!(what ever that is??)
   — Rose A.

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