Will I feel like having visitors while recouping in the hospital?
I'm thinking that for the first week after surgery the last thing I'll want is visitors. Anyone have tips on discouraging family and friends from hovering at the hospital? — [Anonymous] (posted on January 28, 2001)
January 28, 2001
I had surgery 2 hours away...thank God! I too, didn't want visitors,
because half the time I was either sleeping or trying to. I had my
daughter in the hospital I worked in many years ago, and imagine how
embarassing it was for me that my co-workers saw my Foley bag when they
came to visit! I especially didn't want my elderly mother seeing me in
this condition, even though I came through quite well. Also, if your have
a roommate, I'm sure that she will appreciate the peace as well. Good Luck
and God Bless.
— Allie B.
January 28, 2001
I had 1 visitor and that was my wife and she was my assistant and boy was
it nice.
I did not want other visitors including my grown kids just my wife and I
would do it just like that again.
— Mike H.
January 28, 2001
I absolutely did NOT want any visitors. I felt really bad because my mother
drove the 2 hour drive to get me to the hospital and did the same thing the
next day to visit me. The only thing I could do was sleep. I actually took
the phone off the hook so I would not receive anymore calls. Good luck and
see you on the other side :)
— Jason B.
January 28, 2001
I was lucky enough to have my husband right there the whole time to answer
the phone. I did not feel like talking or visiting with anyone for the
first 3 days. He was my answering service, he also discouraged people from
coming to visit. By the 4th day I felt 100% better and i did look forward
to some visitors. I hope this helps you...good luck to you.
— Michelle S.
January 28, 2001
I thought I would want visitors but after I had surgery, I did NOT want
visitors. I was in the hospital 5 days and the morphine had me so drugged
I couldn't carry on a conversation & didn't want to!
— Lisa B.
January 28, 2001
Hi. I agree, your question is a good one. When I first came up from the
recovery room, my pastor, my children, (all four of my grown sons) my
sister and one of her friends (whom I had never met before)were there. I
wanted my children and my pastor there and I had asked my sister to be
there because she is a nurse and I figured having my own personal
"private duty" nurse might be kinda nice at that point. I didn't
really appreciate the presence of my sister's friend however, until I
realized that he, too, was a nurse, so I guess I got two for the price of
one. Fortunately, none of them really stayed very long that day (as far as
I can remember...I was pretty "out of it") but a couple of other
close friends came to see me the next day and stayed most of the morning
and part of the afternoon. Now, I love them both dearly and truly
appreciated their concern, but I must be honest and tell you that I wish
they'd waited a few days to visit. I pretty much looked like death sucking
on a lifesaver and felt like yesterday's oatmeal. I certainly didn't feel
like "entertaining" ANYONE! I'm not sure how to tell people to
simply STAY AWAY for the first day or two in the hospital, but you can
certainly let them know that you would be happy to have a few visitors
after you come home when you've had the opportunity to "clean up"
a bit and are more able to contribute to conversation. Good luck sweetie,
and God bless you as you begin your journey. cj (ps...just
remember...NEVER turn down flowers!)
— cj T.
January 28, 2001
I was having the same concern last week. All my friends from work were
saying that they were going to come see me while I was in the hospital. I
just told them that I deeply appreciated the love and concern for me but
that when I am not feeling well I like to be quite, calm, and basically
alone. They all accepted this. I did tell them that I would have my mom
call work and let everyone know that I am doing fine on the day of my
surgery, then once I get home I would call and let them know so they could
visit. Hope this helps!
— Courtney B.
January 28, 2001
I was in ICU for 3 days and the regular ward for 2 days. I can tell you
personally I did not want any visitors. My husband was with me everyday,
but I would have rather had him home with my 10 year old daughter. On day 3
when I went to the regular ward my family came to visit, but I was so
uncomfortable with gas pains I asked them all to leave. I spent more time
in the bathroom then in my bed! Not only was I uncomfortable, but lets face
it 3 days with no shower and feeling like *&#! the last thing you want
is for people to visit. I didn't even have the phone turned on in my room.
I just didn't want to be bothered with phone calls. Just my opinion!
— Kim F.
January 28, 2001
If feel that if people don't come see me at home when I'm well ... DO NOT
COME SEE ME IN THE HOSPITAL!!! The nurses are in and out every hour or
less and it's hard to get any rest as it is in the hospital, plus...some
visitors just don't know when to leave and that drives me nuts.
— Betty Todd
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