What would cause nausea at 6 days post-op?

I am 6 days post op and am having alot of nausea and cannot seem to get down all the clear liquids I should. I can only drink about 1/4 cup of broth and maybe a tbsp. of jello. I am drinking about 40 oz. of water and 1 cup of tea. I don't know if I am not getting enough fluids and that might be causing the nausea. Thanks for any help you can give.    — Jeanne P. (posted on January 1, 2001)

January 1, 2001
From what I've heard, anything and everything can cause nausea. I've had none but my doc says that is unusual. I've heard that your doc can give you something to help cut it. Are you taking the ursodiol? I am and it comes close to causing me some nausea. That may be your problem. Good luck hon.
   — Perri T.

January 1, 2001
Along with the fact that your stomach has just been run over by a truck, there are mechanical things that may need to be checked. The outlet from the pouch to intestine (stoma) can heal down too small, like a draw string pulled too tight? If so, it can be fixed rather easily and painlessly, but you need to have it seen immediately. If you find that you are consuming less & less liquid, you can't wait with this one. We are also somewhat subject to marginal ulcer, which forms in the same place and in essence, creates a similar problem. SAme type of treatment, as in an upper endoscopy (EGD) is required, but with the stenosis (tight stoma), you wake up in working order and with the ulcer you need meds. Both conditions are fixable, but sometimes it takes a few little tweaks to get everythign running smoothly. Don't waste time or your health waiting. Be seen!
   — vitalady

January 1, 2001
Sometimes I get nauseous from hunger. That's something relatively new for me! I have found that if I eat a couple of bites of something - sugar free jello or a couple of green beans will stop the nausea. Jello has those great little prepared cups in the dairy section of your grocery. Sugar free containers are 10 calories for the whole thing.
   — marciejayne

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