Does anyone else find that foods just do not taste as good as before?

I am 2 months postop today...down 47 lbs...YEAH ME!! Anyway, I am wondering if anyone else has found that foods you really enjoyed pre-op, no longer taste remotely good post op? I used to love the seafood sub at Subway....tried it the other day, and had it been my first time, it would have been my last time. The same thing with Chinese. I tried some pizza one was ok, but certainly not worth writing home about. I feel like the surgeon killed my taste buds while I was out. Anyone else?? Any suggestions??    — tlg6056 (posted on December 18, 2000)

December 18, 2000
Congrats on your fabulous weight loss! Keep up the good work. Yes, the same thing happened to me. Foods that had held my interest prior to WLS just didn't do it for me anymore. I can't explain the medical reason why it does that, but I do know it's common. I don't look at it as a negative. It's yet another way my body tells me, "you really don't need that food right now". I went through a short period of missing the taste for these certain foods, but I got over it quickly. I am just happy that food doesn't have the same power over me as before. :)
   — Paula G.

December 18, 2000
This is also happening with me, but what I thought was really going on is that before I never really tasted the food. I just took BIG bites and inhailed my food. Now I have tochew chew chew and I really taste what I am eating.
   — Jennifer N.

December 18, 2000
Oh yes, this happened to me, particularly with spicy food. I have to add so much more hot spice to taste it now. Used to eat Andy Capp Hot Fries by the POUND! Now, they are tastless (good thing, huh?). With Thai curry, I have graduated to medium instead of mild. I'm running out of hot pepper flakes. Chocolate isn't the romantic interlude it used to be either ('cept the day before my period, then it becomes an all-consuming lust that it quenched with just a bite or two...) Grease is almost disgusting to me. What tastes better now? Salads, veggies, fruit, hummus, pickles, popcorn - things that crunch. And, oh yes...even protien powder and bars taste almost edible. I remember at two months not much tasted good to me either...hang in there, it gets better. Just your body's way of adjusting itself and keeping the regrets and resentment in check. Good Luck to you! Hugs,
   — Allie B.

December 18, 2000
Me, too. It was a plot to save me, I know. I think they changed EVERY pizza recipe in town 10/5/94. I am certain of it cuz pizza hasn't tasted good since. I didn't touch fries or burgers for 18 months or so. And other things just aren't right. But I LOVE devilled eggs now and I liked 'em before. Now I ADORE them! So, there are tradeoffs. Lately all I want is celery and apples. Figure it. It's OK, though, as I am free from food's dominion and I supplement all the 8 essentials, so who cares if I eat or not?
   — vitalady

December 18, 2000
I find this to be so true. Pre surgery, I loved potatoes. Put any potato dish before me and I would dive in head first(lol). I find that I'm sensative to salt now. A good thing. I would always salt my food before eating, now I taste first. Now I find the simple foods like fruits and vegetables taste the best.
   — Jan M.

December 19, 2000
Yes! My tastes have become much more discriminating and the spicier or more flavorful, the better. Pizza doesn't tempt me anymore and neither do most fast-foods. But, I do seem to crave things that are good for me and THAT is a wonderful side-effect of the surgery! Congrats on your fabulous results so far.
   — Cindy H.

February 14, 2001
Before my surgery I was a choco-holic, now just the smell of it makes me ill. At first I thought it was maybe the drugs in my system from the surgery, but I am almost 4 months post op and can't even look at it. I guess it's a good thing I am 100lbs down now and can enjoy things other than food, like skiing with my family and walking in a mall. Food was always so much apart of my life that I had to really think of other things to pass the time. I know it's hard to not enjoy the foods you used to love , but try to see it as a blessing in disguise. Good luck a partner in weight loss success. Laurie
   — Laurie W.

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