Has anyone's pcp refussed to write a letter of referral to the surgeon?

I am pre-op and just begining the whole process. My pcp gave me a referral to see the surgeon and approved of my decision for the surgery. The problem is my surgeon requires a letter from my pcp to explain my physical conditions caused or worsened by my weight. He needs this letter in order to submit my request for insurance coverage. I have already checked and my ins. co. will cover the surgery. I have had my psych evaluation and all I am waiting on now is this letter. They will not submit request to insurance without it. Also the surgeon will not write the letter and he is the only doctor in my network that does this procedure lap. I have been very polite each time I have asked him to do this (three Times)but my nerves are becoming very frazzled!!! Please help me with your suggestions. I have already told him that this is the only thing that is holding up the process.    — Tonya B. (posted on October 16, 2000)

October 16, 2000
Would a copy of your medical records suffice? My surgeon did not request such a letter, but I noticed in a letter he wrote to my MD he thanked him for sending a copy of my med records as it would help get insurance approval.Another idea might be for you to get your medical records and write the letter yourself and then have your Dr. sign it. I am just brainstorming here. good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

October 16, 2000
Hi Tonia, I can really relate to your problem. I too was told to get a letter of support from my PCP. My surgeon said it didnt have to say that the PCP agrees with or recommends the surgery...just that it would benefit my borderline diabetes and hypertension if I were to lose weight. Not only would my doctor not write the letter, he told me all I needed was to be locked in a closet with an excersize bike and a 600 calorie a day diet! I was furious to say the least, but didnt let that stop me. I told my surgeon's office about it and they were able to refer me to a PCP who knew my surgeon and supported weight loss surgery. I couldnt get into see him for 3 weeks and grew impatient. I ended up going to an old PCP of mine and he gladly wrote me the letter I needed. My surgery was July 27th of this year and I (just 3 short months later) am down 60 pounds! The moral of this story is....dont give up when an obstacle like this comes in your path, simply find a way around it. Perhaps your surgeons office can suggest someone you. Best of luck to you, dont give up! Hope this helps you.
   — Cheryl S.

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