Please help me tell NAAFA to update its WLS information!
It is well known that NAAFA does not support WLS; however, I was very disturbed to find its official policy as posted on the web to be inaccurate and archaeic. In fact, the policy hasn't been changed since 1993! To wit: "Currently, the most frequently performed procedure, vertical banded gastroplasty, results in weight loss of about 20% within 18-24 months. Because weight regain is common within two to five years after operation, doctors plan "staged surgery". Second and third operations are performed as the weight is regained, despite evidence that mortality and morbidity rates associated with reoperation are higher than those with primary operations...The scientific community has not provided convincing evidence that gastrointestinal surgery increases life expectancy or improves overall health. Until such evidence exists, theories about the economic benefits of weight-loss surgery are meaningless. The economic cost of multiple surgeries, repeated hospitalizations, and medical treatment for life long iatrogenic complications has never been systematically compared to non-surgical treatments..." And this is there 'Official Position': "There is no conclusive evidence that gastrointestinal surgery for weight loss increases longevity or improves overall health. There are a tremendous number of deaths and severe complications associated with weight-loss surgeries. Since non-invasive treatments for comorbidity factors exist, the presence of comorbidity factors is not a valid justification for surgery. Therefore, the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance condemns gastrointestinal surgery for weight loss under any circumstances. Until all weight loss surgeries are discontinued, NAAFA urges that such surgeries be restricted to controlled studies conducted by trained medical researchers. Further, NAAFA believes that the psychosocial suffering that fat people face is more appropriately relieved by social and political reform than by surgery." (Revised and issued May, 1993.) Certainly I don't expect to change the policy, but such information is erroneous and doesn't accurately reflect the thousands of success stories we see on a daily basis. Worse yet, if this policy succeeds in keeping people from a healthier life, it is down right dangerous. Here is her email address: [email protected] — Allie B. (posted on September 10, 2000)
September 10, 2000
I also read what naafa had posted about wls & was apalled! It had alot
of misinforamtion & then I got to a website where a lady wrote her
horror story about wls. I agree something needs to be said!
— Amy B.
September 10, 2000
Hi Allie, I doubt very seriously that you'll be able to convince NAAFA to
use current research data. If they did, then what would be there argument
against WLS? "the presence of comorbidity factors is not a valid
justification for surgery"???? Give me a break! Why don't they tell
that to the families of those who have died waiting for this surgery. I'm
so disappointed with them. We all deal with our own self-esteem issues and
I have nothing against people who are actually happy in their own skin. I
was not. My old skin was sucking the life right out of me. What NAAFA
tries to do is make me feel guilty for feeling this way. I don't.
— Maxine E.
September 10, 2000
Allie, I agree with you, too. I don't like NAAFA's WLS policy, but I doubt
we are going to change their opinion. They think WLS is just another way
to may fat people thin and "acceptable". I disagree. Most of us
just want to live healthier, more fulfilling lives. Although, I DO approve
of their work to stop size discrimination. That's an admirable goal, but I
think they should support ALL fat people...even those who choose surgery to
control their disease. As for the comorbid thing...what hogwash!!! Just
the people here can attest to how WLS help control comorbids. The real
shame is that they discourage people from a procedure that is potentially
life changeing and even life saving. But I seriously doubt we'll make a
dent in their armor. They are vehemently opposed to WLS and I suspect they
will continue to be.
— Keri A.
September 11, 2000
Looks like I rambled on so much about this that I didn't really clarify how
I'd like your help...*blush*. I guess I better reread Chapter I of the
Crusader's Handbook...I know we aren't going to change NAAFA's mind about
WLS, but I would at least like to challenge them to update their
information, so I am sharing the email I sent to the webmistress, who by
the way is also an officer of the organization: "May I respectfully
suggest that NAAFA updates its information on Weight Loss Surgery?
Certainly if it NAAFA's position is to educate the public about the perils
of WLS, then it should be armed with knowledge of current procedures and
not with stale and antiquated 7 year-old information." I just want to
let them know that we are aware that they are misleading their members, or
worse yet, anyone looking for info on WLS that stumbles across their site.
Thanks for your help!
— Allie B.
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