I've Lost More than 100 Pounds!

I had Open RNY w/gall bladder and appendix removal 10/14/99 and have lost 103# to date I weigh in at 210# !! 6 months and 63% off my excess weight gone- much ahead of schedule!    — Paula S. (posted on April 25, 2000)

April 25, 2000
WOW!! What great weight loss. Perhaps you can post what you do to be so successful!! Congratulations.
   — Dot W.

April 25, 2000
WAY TO GO!!! Take a bow you deserve it. {{{Hugs}}}
   — Theresa B.

April 25, 2000
WAY TO GO PAULA What a great loss. I am very happy for you. You are doing a super job, and keep up the great work.
   — chris M.

April 26, 2000
Fabulous! WOW! Stupendous! Fantastic! Super! My surgery is May 10th, and you are my hero! Congratulations!!!! :):):)
   — Paula G.

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