Has Anyone Had approval medicaid
— bobbie M. (posted on March 29, 2000)
March 29, 2000
I have medicaid, and I went to the Dr. and the lady who
do the insurance portion, told me that medicaid always
approve this surgery, if your primary Dr. agrees...
— Lisa L.
March 29, 2000
Yes I have medicaid in California and was approved for surgery last June.
Todat have lost 120 pounds! MediCal (medicaid) has a lot of requirements
to be approved here. Sleep apnea, BMI 40 or over, other diets failure,
arthritis, or other co morbidities like that, high blodd pressure etc.
Must have a pulmonary functions test, Cardiac Clearance, psych
evaluation, Thyroid clearance, Sleep study( to proove apnea) But if you
jump through all of the right hoops you can be approved.
Good luck
— Cheri H.
April 4, 2000
I had my surgery approved with medicaid and I had no problems. It took
about two weeks for an answer plus I had no other health problems besides
the weight. I had an open RNY in October of 99 I have lost 78lbs so far.
good luck!
— ingrid C.
April 5, 2000
I had Illinois medicaid and they gave me an approval over the phone the
second day after the papers were fax to them and i have my surgery the day
after that march 1,2000
— kay M.
July 29, 2000
medicaid in New Jersey is accepted,the problem is finding a doctor that
will take it
— Diane H.
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