Does Anyone know anything about XENICAL orlistat?

I went to see the Dr. today and instead of trying to talk me out of the WLS he talked to me and gave me a start up kit for XENICAL orlistat. Does anyone have any info about it at all? I did real well with FenFen and no complications. Is it any way the same thing?    — Jo M. (posted on June 23, 1999)

June 23, 1999
I haven't taken Xenical but the people on the OSSG list who have taken it report that there isn't much wieght loss and that you spend all your time in the bathroom with diahrea. The news reports are that is gives an avg weight loss of less than 40 lbs a year ... not much of a help for an obese person. I've lost 115 pounds since Christmas after my RNY and would not make the trade off unless the stuff made me look like Xena!! Good luck Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

June 23, 1999
I've recently had the same experience. My PCP thought WLS was too "extreme" for me, but he is generally against all and any kinds of weight loss medication. Two weeks ago I went in for a diabetic check up and saw a new doctor in the group (my PCP is out on an indefinate extended leave of absence). She put me on Xenical. I go for my check up today. Xenical blocks about 30% of the fat you intake from digesting. This can cause side affects such as fatty/oily gas, fatty/oily stools, diarrhea, urgency bowel movements, and uncontrollable bowel movements. In my two weeks, I've only experienced fatty/oily gas and diarrhea twice. I don't feel like I've lost any weight, but we'll see tonight. I could see how this may prevent in adding additional weight, but I don't see how it's going to help get the weight I currently have off. It is not an appetite suppressant. If I understood what I have read about it correctly, in a study about 13-15 pounds was shead in a year by people who were on Xenical. Maybe I misunderstood, but that doesn't seem like much. I'm still looking into WLS, myself. I just figured I'd go with the flow, at least the insurance company didn't say I wasn't trying (well, of course they could, but...). I have tried Phen-Phen with little success, Redux and acutally gained weight, and Fastin which worked well for about 2 months and then nothing. I have also been on diets of 1800 and 1200 calories (can you say, please pass the bread and water?), have done the low fat thing and exercised an hour each day. I put the majority of the weight (100 lbs) on in one year and since then, nothing seems to work. Email me at [email protected] if you want me to give you an update on my doctor's visit today. Good luck to you, whatever you choose.
   — Tina J.

June 23, 1999
I can't believe the doctor didn't explain more to you. Xenical is what is called a "fat" blocker. My doctor sent me to a class to learn about it. Anyway, after sitting through a 2 hour session - I decided it was not for me. It only takes care of the fat you are eating now - but they give you a low calorie fat diet, which reduces your fat intake anyway. Plus, if you happen to eat too much fat you will have diarrhea with the "slimy fatty deposits" - according to the nurse - PLUS, there may be times you will have to wear "pads" due to leakage. I asked her what does it do for the fat already on your body, she said nothing. So, I decided it was not worth paying the price of $1.25 - $1.50 per pill, and you take 3 a day. There is a lot more information, and maybe some people do very well on it. I also asked what was the average weight loss - she said during their 2 year study the highest had been 55 pounds, the average was 32 pounds. Well, 55 pounds for me is nothing.
   — Janet C.

June 24, 1999
Dear Jo, No xenical is not at all like phen phen. Xenical blocks the absorbtion of Fat. If you eat fat it passes through the bowels in a reddish looking oil. So if you are obese from your fat intake this might be great for you. I personally have questions about the need for certain types of fat in our bodies in order to have young looking skin etc. My mother who is 74 started taking xenical two months ago. I think it is ludircous that her physician even suggested it to her. Take care. Jeannette Cheeks
   — Jeannette C.

July 1, 1999
I was in the study group for Orlistat. They had us lose weight for 6 months on a low calorie diet (1600 cal/day) then we were randomly assigned to a group. I know I was in the group that actually got the drug. I had oily stools and diarrhea. I eventually quit the study secondary to depression which can be a symptom of reduced dietary fat intake.
   — Tammie G.

November 4, 1999
I took it for about 1 month. Spent that month in the bathroom. I never pooped so much! I only lost 10 lbs in that month. That 10 lbs reappeared shortly after stopping the drug.
   — jaredsmom

November 5, 1999
I tried Xenical when it came out this year. I was on it for about 1 month. I lost 4 pounds the first week, then just stayed the same. It is nothing like Phen/fen, as it is not an appetite surpressent. It simply blocks 1/3 of the fat in your food from being digested. Therefore, if you eat fatty foods, etc. you have more frequent bowel movements. It is an effective tool, but not by any means a substitute for WLS if you are looking for drastic results in my opinion. Hope this helps.
   — Christina D.

November 5, 1999
I was on Xenical for several months. I lost a few pounds at first, then didn't lose anything and eventually gained weight. The side effects are disgusting!
   — [Anonymous]

May 21, 2004
I took XENICAL a few years ago but stop because i was self concious after going to the bathroom.It works for some time because it cuts the fat, but I gained the weight back anyway
   — lizann

May 21, 2004
Fen Fen is an appetite suppressant. When you take it you aren't hungry. Xenical prevents you from digesting a small amount of the fat you eat. I took it lost only a few pounds-gained the weight back when I stopped. By the way- don't and I repeat this don't eat a lot of fat thinking it will be blocked. Especially if you wander to far from a bathroom.
   — Diane S.

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