Are you able to chew gum after you had the operation.

   — Janice K. (posted on June 9, 1999)

June 9, 1999
My surgery was October 1994. I've been chewing sugar-free gum ever since. But DON'T swallow it!
   — vitalady

June 9, 1999
One of the "rules" I had to promise to follow after surgery was NO GUM!
   — dboat

June 10, 1999
You can chew gum after the operation but it's really not recommended. Altho it might seem unlikely, you could swallow the gum and it could literally gum up the works... get stuck in the anastomasis (the openings) ... that would require going in to scoop it out surgically. Susan [email protected]
   — Susan C.

June 14, 1999
I chew it all the time..I had an RNY and am nearly 2 years post op
   — Deanna D.

March 25, 2001
My surgeon advised (ok, ordered) NO gum for the first couple of months post-op. He said gum chewing tends to make you swallow air, which can stretch your pouch initially. I know this is going to be difficult for me because I LOVE chewing gum!
   — lpsrabbit

April 20, 2001
Was told chewing gum was a definate, "NO-NO"! If accidentally swallowed, it could plug up your hole and you'd require surgery. I switched to tic tacs and breath savers which I cut up in 1/4th's and keep in a tiny zip lock in my purse!
   — Jeanne P.

September 14, 2002
After surgery I was having lots of problems with saliva and nausea and my doctor actually told me to chew gum, specifically Surpass gum which is an Antacid chewing gum. It's great after you've eaten something wrong and I advise it to anyone who is having that problem. It also has a good Wintergreen flavor and has calcium in it. So I don't see any problem with that gum. You may want to try it.
   — Carolyn K.

September 14, 2002
I think the answer I got from my doctor was "no gum" due to swallowing and all that. However, I felt like I had such horrible breath after surgery, I couldn't take it. Sooo... I've compromised. I chew the Dentyne Ice (or similar types) long enough to get the mint/taste out of them, and spit them out right away. So far, no problems. :)
   — Kelly B.

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