3 years post op...experience Nausea every day. How do others cope?

Just wondering if others have nausea every day regardless of what you eat or when you eat. I am 3 years post op. It started with just morning nausea after my 1st meal and that was at least 3 months ago. Now it is basically happening after every meal. It's just an irritable nausea that lasts for at least a couple of hours after I eat. I can usually calm it by chewing some peppermint gum. It is really starting to get on my nerves almost to the point that I dread my next meal. Anyone else have regular nausea like this? Thanks!    — SARose61 (posted on April 5, 2005)

April 5, 2005
Rosemary, You should not be having that kind of a problem 3 years out. Could be something very serious, I am not trying to scare you, but please go have it check out. Could be an ulcer or hernia casuing the problems. Don't let it get out of hand. Be on the safe side. That's how people can die, by not getting to a dr. when things are not right. Marilyn, the Bearlady
   — Marilyn C.

April 5, 2005
Did this recently start or has it been ongoing for 3 years? If it is recent, then I would check with your doctor. It could be a million things, something simple as an irritated stomach or food allergy to something very serious like a partial intestinal blockage. It's worth a chat with the doc.
   — RebeccaP

April 5, 2005
I am going on two years July 16th and I Still get nausea they put me on phengan. to help they said there was no blockage I do have ulcers but that is not what causes it I have Gerd and they think that is something to do with it.Good luck
   — Dionna_Dupuis

April 5, 2005
Yes. I am 3 years post-op, and still have nausea. It is better since a gastroenterologist dilated my stoma, and trimmed some stitches which were poking into my connection, but I still have it. I drink a lot of mint flavored tea, which helps. I also use more protein shakes than solid food which seems to help. I have had every test known to man; my PA said this just might be how it will be. I will get in for some swallow studies, Upper GI, etc. if I were you to rule out problems.
   — kultgirl

April 6, 2005
I have nausea daily, sometimes several times a day. It doesn't seem to matter what I eat. This morning a little yoghurt did it. Any dense protein can cause it. No one seems to know why. I am on zantac and reglan. Not much help. I wish someone knew why some of this suffer from nausea continually. I had an egd and the doc said all looks good but commented I have a "Tiny" pouch. Could it just be too small? Any answers appreciated. Jo
   — jomu

April 6, 2005
I will be one year out on April 12. I started having nausea around December of "04". I have talked with my primary care doctor who keeps telling me to see my surgeon. I have talked with the surgeon who says there's is no medication that will correct the nausea. I bought some prilosec at the store and have been using it daily. It seems to be working. I had a CT Scan done several weeks ago and it seems to be normal. Last Thursday, I thought I was not going to make it through the afternoon. My surgeon was on vacation and the on-call surgeon said it could be a hernia strangling the stomach. Nothing showed up on the CT Scan though. I am getting really tired of being sick. I found a new primary doctor who specializes in gastric patients. I see him next week maybe he can help.
   — lkirkland1

April 6, 2005

   — [Deactivated Member]

April 6, 2005
Dear Diana, Where in the question did the poster ask about kinds of surgery? I can find just as many "horror" stories about life with a DS, so stop pushing the DS. It is a fine surgery but so are the others. It is not the right surgery for everyone! The person has already had surgery, so why even mention the DS. <p>For the record I know of very few RNY's who are further out that have constant nausea. In the case of the poster, it sounds like this is more recent and they have not had it all along. I would definitely be scoped to check things out. Like another poster said, maybe a slight dilation would do the trick. I am 26+ months PO and have only suffered with nausea a handful of times. It's not uncommon in the first 3-6 months, but not common long term. I hope you find some answers.
   — zoedogcbr

April 6, 2005
Yikes, please get yourself checked out soon. I am 3 years post op in May and maybe once a week will experience a nauseas feeling. It only happens after I have rice pudding or a little gob of ice cream or mac n cheese...cream/dairy based items, especially mixed with sugar. You did not mention what types of food you were eating, but maybe you should write down what you are eating and drinking and when and see if there is a pattern to clear out the reaction causing food, if that is the problem. You may be eating too fast, too much at once, or drinking carbonated sodas...get yourself to the doc and stop suffering needlesly! Best wishes on your journey.
   — Kathy A C.

April 6, 2005
I am prone to nausea. Always was, even pre-op. I never know if I will offend it. It's been like that since I was a kid. However, you've got to get your mechanics checked and make sure you don't have any kind of obstruction in your pouch or first lil bit of intestine there that would cause the food to just sit and not pass properly down. How does water taste?
   — vitalady

October 22, 2008
I to am 3 years out and ive had started to have the same problem every time i eat. have not tried mint so ty for the idea.
   — acyapi

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