needing imput on unexplained abdominal pain
I posted this in the message board and got a few replies but was hoping for more info so thought i would post here too... I am at a loss right now, about a month or so ago I started having abd pains so my Dr referred me to a gastro Dr, the gastro Dr thought it might be my appendix so he ordered another ct (I had one a few days prior at the e/r for this pain and they didn't find anything at all) well thank god it wasn't my appendix but the radiologist said I was severely constipated and to go clean my self out really good so I did that and did a f/u with the gastro Dr well I was still having pains so he did a upper endoscope on me and found a couple of old ulcers that had scabs so that wasn't the cause and he said he saw some gastric ulcers and did a biopsy it came back normal so that couldn't be the problem, so I ask, what could possibly be wrong with me I am not imaging this pain its horrible its right under my breast bone and can radiate all over my body but mostly in my stomach area...he said he gets a lot of gastric bypass pts with the same complaint but cannot find any cause for it.....anyone with any input on this% — Deanna Wise (posted on March 4, 2005)
March 4, 2005
Hi there, that pain sounds exactly what i just went through. i have not had
bypass surgery yet, but as it turned out...i did have kidney stones. And,
here's a surprise, a third kidney. The stones were jammed up in one of my
ureter tubes. i required surgery to get rid of them, and once i had the
operation...the pain stopped immediately. Hope that helps a little.
— Allison K.
March 4, 2005
thanx for your i dont smoke, dont drink, dont do drugs, dont
have a gallbladder, dont have a spleen, my appendix is fine (we originally
thought it was that) im researching trying to find answers its soo
fusterating but thank you so much for your imput!
— Deanna Wise
March 5, 2005
Does your pain change with body position. For example, does it get better
when you stand rather than sitting etc?
— Beatrice C.
March 5, 2005
Adhesions? Scar Tissue? I know adhesions are awefully painful,
reoccurring and only diagnosed through exploratory surgery.
— Jeannet
March 5, 2005
I don't know if I can help but --- I was hospitalized a couple of weeks ago
for SEVERE "attacks" in my breastbone/sternum area. They were
awful. They lasted about 3 minutes and occurred every 15-20 minutes. I
had 5. I went to the ER and they gave me a GI cocktail. I never had
anymore but my pancreatic and liver enzymes were elevated. I live 200
miles away from my surgeon but he was right on the ball and told my GP what
to do. He ordered a CT scan and an MRICP - neither showed anything. Two
days later the enzymes were normal. My surgeon explained that adhesions
could form in part of the bowel causing it to back up into the pancreas and
cause the pain. He said not to let ANYONE touch me that if that were the
case he would have to do lap surgery and remove the adhesions. I had
another "attack" a couple of nights ago and it is AWFUL. I get
hot, nauseous and pant like a dog. It's not my heart. There still not
sure what the cause is but I don't want to have anymore pains like that.
It's the worst of my life. I hope yours are not as bad but I understnad
whre you are coming from. May God Bless You and help you to overcome.
— jnetk
March 5, 2005
Thanx again for all the info, im taking this all down and im going to
mention it to the gastro dr and im going to call my surgeon...The pain is
soo bad that I cannot even tend to my 9 1/2 month old when it hits
dosnt really change with position it just hits and hits hard...I know i
must have alot of scar tissue since i have had 2 major abd surgeries, one
minor and a tt, so that is a possiblity and also, im constipated which alot
of you have mentioned bowl abstuction or problems too, so those are other
things to look glad though that im not alone because now i dont
have to think im crazy when the dr says there is nothing wrong with
me......ughhh I know there is something going on its like we are the ones
who have to figure it out and educate the drs..that is why im asking this
and taking all of the responses to the dr...i hope you all feel better soon
too ... thank you again
— Deanna Wise
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