how long does it take to get a profile upgrade

   — bopper (posted on February 8, 2005)

February 8, 2005
You need to be a little patient because on the state boards they have a message saying that they are really swamped.
   — ChristineB

February 9, 2005
Hi, Mine just got done, and looks great. It took them about 3 weeks. From what I hear they are really swamped. Be patient, it was worth it, and since I cant do it myself and they do it for free, It's definately worth the weight. Regards. Jodi
   — Jodi S.

February 9, 2005
When I add to my profile, it usually updates right then. I've sent a picture to the web administrator to put on my profile, but it has not yet been posted.
   — zannaguinn

February 9, 2005
I just got mine done, it took about 2-3 weeks. It was well worth the wait. Rene did mine, and I don't think I could have asked for anything better. If you get the design that you want it might be a little quicker, but if they have to find it, it'll probably take alittle longer. I found my own theme, and it's awesome.
   — Amanda B.

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