Does anyone gotten approved for a abdominplasy if yes please share with me some info

I have cigna and I just saw a plastic surgen here in home town and he does not submitt any request I will have to do all that he will send in pictures and total price,He said he has not seen insurance cover this procedure but it does cover the panni. I really want the abdominoplasty. Please send any info that I could use before I submitt a request to my insurance. I will get a refferal from primary.I dont have no hernia or rashes but I have had really bad back pain..ANy info will help    — mresendez11 (posted on February 3, 2005)

February 2, 2005 My doc that did my gastic bypass is doing my Abdominplasty.In fact I am going in on February 14,2005 to have it done.He is the web site for my story if you wish to take a look.god bless..Tina
   — SouthernFancy

February 2, 2005
If your doctor won't even submit a letter of medical necessity for you, I'd look for another doctor. It's quite obvious he's just "looking for the money" rather then your best interest.
   — Patty H.

February 3, 2005
Hi, I have Qual Choice.They approved my abdominplasy. Dr took a couple pictures,but I had no rash at all. Was approved in 6 days. Good luck.
   — MargieT

February 3, 2005
Chances are that he has not had a lot of patients that have had WLS. Not just any PS can work on us with the best results. He sounds like he has not had many, you might want to consider going to another surgeon and see what he is like.
   — TheresaC

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