I have been craving Diet Coke....

Is it good for us to drink carbonated beverages or not? My post op regimen says to avoid carbonated beverages for 6 months. I am 2 months post op and really want a Diet Coke. I have been good so far but for some reason, that is what I miss the most. What are your thoughts??? Thanks.    — Stephanie W. (posted on January 25, 2005)

January 25, 2005
My dietician at the Center for Weight Loss in Lexington Ky says that carbonation stretches and epands the stomach, and over time this will be permanate(sp). Some where I read that people who drink diet soft drinks tend to be heavier any ways.Good luck on your decision making Michelle
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 25, 2005
Hey Steph, I would stay away from it, surgeon also says six months. If you follow through with your craving I would have a sip of it flat. I've heard drinking carbaonated pop feels like the sound of coke being poured down the drain sounds. Hard to explain but you'll feel the bubbles going down all the way. Try it flat and be safe if your going to. Good luck.
   — kristiegarcia

January 25, 2005
I say, take a swallow--I am 5 weeks post op and I was dying for a Dr. Pepper. I took 2 swallows and it made me feel like shit!!! I do not dump, but I felt so bloated. I'll admit I have had a few sips here and there--every time I feel yucky. It broke my craving! Good luck to ya! Krysti
   — Krysti M.

January 25, 2005
If you feel the need to drink it, I would suggest you get a fountain drink with lots of ice, and stir it to release most of the carbination and weaken down quite abit. Oh it taste so good I love diet coke but I only drink it from a fountain with lots of ice and I dont care for it from a can or 20 oz bottle. and take small sips, and only sip a small amount. Enjoy. Its always best to do as your doc says. Almost 2 years out and maintaining :0). Rosemary
   — wizz40

January 25, 2005
No! I was a BIG diet coke drinker. The carbonation will expand your stomach. No drinking with straws either. These two are no's.. no's...
   — Linda R.

January 25, 2005
Hi I too am a Patient of the Center for Weight Loss and They say no. That out of the few patients that they have had that lost there weight and gained some back where also those who drunk carbonated beverages. So what do I say well they did say that if something felt stuck or to much mucuas build up to take a drink it would open the stoma and allow whatever to pass through. SO I got it in my head I am craving it so why not just once. Well I can't tolerate anything cold but can't handle the fizz so pour it over ice right. I noticed after just three days of one a day (Diet Caffiene free) I could eat more on these days and stopped losing. SO I immediatly stoped no more for over a month now and besides the fact that it gave me aweful gas pressure I have now started losing againg and have went back to just a few bites and full. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. But I had to learn for myself. Best Wishes
   — Shell G

January 25, 2005
Put some artifical sugar in your diet coke. Then watch the fizz! It will make the diet drinks much easier on your pouch. I still drink mine this way.
   — Danmark

January 25, 2005
Trust me, the taste of that diet coke will NOT be worth the pain of the gas you will have after drinking it. I too craved anything carbonated and the doctor said it is not that it will stretch the pouch so much in the first few months but that the gas, not having the same "track", so to speak, to travel on gets trapped and hurts like labor pains. If it is JUST the taste that you miss, shake out all the bubbles and have a taste. That FLAT one will make you not crave them anymore. YUK!!! I had the bad trapped gas ONCE(not from carbonation) and the pain was worse than from the surgery!!
   — CAMFR

January 25, 2005
My surgeon's office said that long-term those that avoid carbonated beverages do better with this surgery. I know the carbonation is hard on the pouch, so it's best to avoid it. Also, we can't afford the luxury of giving into our cravings--that will also get you in trouble too!
   — Cathy S.

January 25, 2005
Im over 2 yrs out. Ive been drinking diet sodas since about a month out. I drink them every now and again. It has never bothered me,, gas, weight wise or anything, my surgeon or dietician never had a warning against diet sodas, if your going to drink soda, just make sure its diet,, Ive lost over 160 pounds, It has not affected me negetively at all,, I just think like a movie, everyone has there own opionions. You have to try it to see what your opionion is. Good luck, Amy
   — Amy Hoffman

January 25, 2005
I miss Diet Cherry Coke sometimes, so when I want it, I buy a 20 oz bottle, pour a little bit into a cup with ice, stir, and let it flatten. I do this once of couple of months, just when I have the taste for it. A 20 oz. bottle lasts an awful long time!
   — kultgirl

January 25, 2005
I've been drinking diet pop since month 2 post-op. It's the ONLY thing I drink. I'm over 3 years post-op and it hasn't hurt my weight loss at all. I've lost 125 pounds and have maintained it since month 10 post-op.
   — Patty H.

January 26, 2005
Hi.There are so many pros and cons about diet sodas. I was very much a diet CF coke or pepsi drinker. Now when I have to have one, I do, but I usually take most of the fizz out of it. I have had some without the fizz out and it just makes me belch. One surgeon told me that it stretches the pouch. My surgeon told me that it isn't the stretching, but the caffeine and/or the sugary taste increases your appetite. I think that once you drink it you will see it isn't as good as it used to be. I have never been a tea drinker, but I found that good earth original CF and decaf Vanilla tea together cold, satisfy my need for Colas. I can't drink water with any degree of success so I drink tea all day. Good luck. JO
   — Jo Marie M.

January 26, 2005
As you can see from the previous posts, there is much disagreement as to if and how carbonated beverages are bad for you (I disagree with almost all of the reasons cited, btw). But that's not the point, as your question is, is it "good" to drink carbonated beverages, and the answer is to that is, unequivocally, "no." What's good about it, meaning, what nutritional value is there in a diet coke for your body? Let's be honest, zippo, baybee!. Maybe it's bad, maybe it ain't, but for sure, it's not "good."<P>You gotta place this early post-op period in perspective. Right now, you've got two objectives to serve: (1) healing up from the surgery, during which time you want to get as much healthful nutrition into your body as your little tiny healing pouch will allow; and (2) killing your old bad eating habits with the "shock treatment" that WLS provides, at least, in the beginning. If you drink diet coke now, *against* your doc's protocol, you blow both objectives. Since it has no nutritional value, you shouldn't waste valuable pouch space or time with it, liquid status notwithstanding. *Plus* -- and I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but I'll bet I'm right -- if you were someone who overate as a pre-op and then washed it all down with diet coke (example: "I'll have two double cheeseburgers, two super-sized fries, and" ~~ demure smile here ~~ a diet coke, please"), then, there's a bad habit associated with that beverage that you could stand to take a physical and mental break from, at least for awhile.<P>Seen in another light, if you can't follow this simple, temporary rule, whaddya think your chances are in 18 months, or two or five years from now, telling yourself "no" to overeating, bad food temptations, or lack of exercise, all of which you will be tempted by, and all of which can lead to stalled weight loss and regain, regardless of your WLS? Think on it. Your dedication will never be better than it is right now, and if you can't handle something this simple and limited for a few months, well then . . . yikes, y'know? And, I say that as someone who also *really* wanted a diet coke as a new post-op, spent a lot of time at work in meetings fixedly staring at other peoples' cans of diet coke just wanting, wanting, wanting, some, and if *I* could say "no" for a few lousy months, well then, surely you can too.<P>And now that I'm 2 1/2 years post-op, I drink one every now 'n then, without ever thinking, "Dang! How I regret not having had more diet coke in my life! Oh, if only I could get the 3rd and 4th quarters of 2002 back, by golly, I'd have poured buckets of the stuff down my gullet if only I had to do it over again!," etc., etc., etc. See how silly??<P>After everything you've been through so far . . . this ain't nothing. You'll get through it.
   — Suzy C.

January 26, 2005
i am a pepsi holic let me tell you but it is true i could not tolerate the pepsi but they told me if i really wanted it really bad to fill a glass with ice to the top and pour the pepsi in it and let sit for about 15 min it dosent taste very good that way but thats the ohly way you can drink it i try it a few times and gave it up and just drank crystal lite for about a year than i try diet pepsi with lots of ice and it works ok now but that is the only way i can derink it cannot drink it without ice just dosnt do it. take care and good luck

January 26, 2005
Carbonated beverages...BAD, BAD, BAD! Well in my opinion they are. I jumped back on the Diet Pepsi bandwagon at 9 mos post op. I drink about two 20 oz bottles per day. Thats down from the two 2-liters I used to drink before surgery. Why do I think they are bad? Well #1. They cause excessive gas, which is very embarrassing. #2 I tend to crave more foods, thus eating more when I drink them. (I dont know if this is due to pouch stretching or just the effect of the sugary liquid) #3. I don't get my required amount of daily water intake when I choose my diet pepsi. and finally...I have been on a plateau since I began drinking diet pepsi again. Now that I stated my opinion, I want to thank you all for forcing me to re-evaluate my eating and drinking habits. NO MORE DIET PEPSI FOR ME!!! Good luck and great rewards on your journey! Michelle 415/268 09/26/03 Lap RNY
   — Michelle B.

January 27, 2005
Diet Coke *is* not good for you . . . caffeine, brow liquids contribute to kidney stones, etc. But if you're dying for it, try a little . . . sips, slowly, out of a glass full of ice. The bubbles will hurt . . . but no, Coke won't stretch the pouch, and straws are great . . . only thing that keeps me from burping brains out! (I swallow less air with straw that without.) But keep the Coke to modest levels . . . I have 1-2 Diet sodas/week, usually less, mostly Shasta with Splenda, occasiona Diet Coke or Dr. Pepper (Cherry Vanilla DP, yum!) I'm 2 years out, down 175 lbs, under goal, and still losing a little. Good luck with it, but I think you'll find that the gas isn't worth it . . . I mean stuck bubbles in pouch, painful bloat, etc.
   — RWH G.

January 29, 2005
any kind of soda is not good for you, especially after wls, but my doc told me i could, on occasion have half a diet coke mixed with the same ammount of water, or let a can sit until almost completly flat. i have either a diet 7up or diet jones rootbeer (it's made with splenda, and dosen't taste like diet) on my splurge day. ( i have one meal on sunday where i eat what i want in moderation as long as it doens't make me sick.) otherwise, i stick to water, koolaid made with splenda, or waterd down juice.
   — mellyhudel

February 2, 2005
I know what you mean. I crave Diet Root Beer off and on and have since surgery. I am now almost a year out and I will give into the craving but only a very small glass and only after I let it sit out for awhile to release some of the carbonation. I haven't had any problems when I do this but I don't do it often at all. Maybe once every few months. Good luck to you! Tiff (Lap RNY 2/17/04; 245 lbs - 149lbs)
   — Tiffany B.

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