I am four days post op, should I be worried if I haven't had a bowel movement?

   — hot-n-sexy-mama (posted on December 26, 2004)

December 26, 2004
Anna: since you were cleaned out really good before your surgery and you've probably only had liquids since your surgery, I would not find this odd. If you begin to feel bloated &/or uncomfortable after a few more days, call your surgeon...good luck, Judy
   — juju524

December 26, 2004
I did not have a bowel movement until I was about 10 days post op. DOn't worry, just get your fluids in and do what your surgeon says. It will happen!
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 26, 2004
NO, don't worry. It was day 14 for me. Now when I went, I really went, but it is absolutely nothing to worry about yet. Congratulations on having your surgery completed.
   — debi327

December 27, 2004
Anna- I am 11 days post op- I had a very loose BM in hosp- but a normal one about 3 days ago. It will take time to build up with the liquids we are drinking. Congrats! I feel great! Hope you do too. Carolyn
   — Dec16-04

December 28, 2004
I am 11 days post-op. I didn't have my first loose bowel movement until 5 days post-op. I was told that everyone's organs come back to life at a different rate. You are doing fine I am sure. Happy Holidays and welcome to the losing side!!
   — chewmonster2003

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