Insurance Co. is being really strict.!!!!!!!!

Does any one out there have PHCS? They want me to go to a dietician for 6 months 3 times a month, and to my pcp once a month, and be weighed once a week. All for 6 months. They do not cover the dietician visits it is out of pocket. Has anyone else had to do this?    — D. Erin A. (posted on December 10, 2004)

December 10, 2004
They want to see how well you can follow the rules. It is to see if you can be disciplined with your diet once you are PO. I know that it sounds extreme, but the WLS PO life has a lot of rules to follow afterwards.
   — ChristineB

December 10, 2004
I personally think they do that to convince you that you don't need surgery to lose weight, and that if they can delay you long enough that you will give up or change insurances.
   — **willow**

December 10, 2004
I have aetna and I did the same routine. Do it if this is what you is so worth it.. Kathy@goal
   — Kathy S.

December 10, 2004
Some of the dietian visits might be covered if your PCP writes a prescription for it if you have diabetes or for weight management sometimes it is covered under your policy so check it out. Nancy
   — nefish

December 10, 2004
I have Aetna PPO- they accepted WEIGHT WATCHER"S for my once a week weigh in and nutrition plan. I yo yo'd in my weight for 6 months- ended up with NO loss.......but they accepted it with my monthly PCP visit. WW co$t is reasonable- considering it gave me my approval,
   — Dec16-04

December 12, 2004
My insurance co. requires a 6 month weight mgmt. program where I see a nutritionist/dietician twice, have to attend at least 2 support group meetings, have a psych eval., have to lose 10% of weight before surgery,and a few other things. At first I was mad that I had to "jump thru these hoops" but now I am glad b/c I know their purpose of this is to educate me as much as possible and I am glad for that. I did find out from someone else who has my insurance that I have a $350 fee to pay out of pocket but I won't find out the purpose of this fee until next month. I am done with my 6 months in April so I'm hoping and praying for a May surgery date. Please pray for me :) Good luck to all who are awaiting their surgery!!
   — sassychick247

December 13, 2004
I'll pray for you Jacqueline. I think I may be facing a similiar situation. Good luck to you.
   — Sherri E.

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