I am exhausted. Tired all the time. Am I not taking enoung vitamins?

I fall asleep fine, actually quicker than I ever have in my life. But, I also fall asleep while driving, working, standing. I will feel almost lathargic. Granted, I am very busy and work to full time jobs, but I average 5-7 hours a night, and i know I sleep hard and good, but feel terrible during the day. I am just scared that it is more than just being tired.    — kristieolson (posted on December 6, 2004)

December 6, 2004
I don't think we can help you unless you tell us what vitamins you're taking, ie multi and B12, what supplements ie iron, etc.
   — mrsmyranow

December 6, 2004
I was the same way. I saw a hematologist and they did some lab work that our gastric surgeon doesnt check. And my iron stores and feriton levels were extremely low. They started me on IV iron once a week. Ive had 3 treatments and feel soooooooooooo much better. It is amazing. I felt some better after the first treatment. He said this would be 6-8 treatments. I would highly recommend you finding a hematologist and making an appt. If you have any further questions feel free to email me. [email protected]
   — Carrie W.

December 6, 2004
It sounds a lot like sleep apnea to me have you been tested?
   — , ,.

December 6, 2004
I would have to agree with Carrie, After suffering from the same symptoms and reading up on many others, It would be wise to have your blood work done. Typically these things happen do to a lack of vitamins. Not that sleep apnea is not a possibility, however, it is more likely that you are low in Iron and B-12. My friendly advice is to go and have some simple blood work done and then drop your drawers and get a couple shots. Meanwhile, you might try while waiting, liquid vitamins at GNC. Usually if you are low in these two you will need shots, as your body is not absorbing them. In time however you may level off with out outside help, so to speak. Merry Christ-mas. God's blessings on your journey! Lisa
   — Lisa_Ryan

December 6, 2004
What do your labs say? Are you still getting checked every 6 months to a year? That's the only way to tell if you're on track. Even if we supplement, everyone is different so you may need more of some things than others (iron is a biggie!)
   — mom2jtx3

December 6, 2004
Be sure your doctor checks your thyroid....lethargy is a common problem with hypothyroidism.
   — scbabe

December 6, 2004
Thanks for all the advise. I don't believe it is sleep apnea, because I do sleep well now, but I have had problems in the past w/ low iron. So, maybe that is the ticket. I take a multi, plus one extra of b-6, b-12, and an iron. I just never thought lack of iron could do this much harm!! It is very frustrating feeling this way.
   — kristieolson

December 7, 2004
My daughter has the same problem. She was taking all kinds of vits but was still tired all of the time. She went to a hemotologist (sp)& found out that her iron was really really low. Now she's getting iron infuseions twice a week. She's only had 2 so far, but we can see the difference. She has color & she feels so much better. I hope this helps....Evelyn
   — scaryreader

December 7, 2004
I would say yes, your vitamins are lacking in several places. You said "an iron", but not what kind. Some absorb better than others. Do you take it with a vit C, but not with anything else? Sometimes we can be turned around orally before having to do infusions, so perhaps it's not too late to try. One of the tricks is to be sure they run all the iron studies you need to get a complete picture, not just CBC.
   — vitalady

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