I am only 4 months post-op and found out I'm pregnant

I was wondering if anyone else has found that they are pregnant after such a short time of having the lap-bypass, if the Dr. considered them high-risk and the outcomes... Thank you Jackie    — neumjake (posted on October 11, 2004)

October 11, 2004
Congratulations!!! Im not sure if you would be considered high risk but I have heard of women getting pregnant that soon afterwards and having normal healthy babies. I think there's a website somewhere on here for pregnant moms. Blessings Geri
   — Geralyn

October 11, 2004
Congratulations!! I was just under four months out when I found out I was pregnant. My doctor just watched me closely and monitored the baby's growth. We both did just fine. Initially, I lost 30 pounds, but toward the end I gained 20. I am still breastfeeding just fine. Relax and just enjoy feeling your baby grow in you. God bless, Monica
   — Monica P.

October 11, 2004
hi congratulations!!!!!! I found out i was preg. when i was 9 months out and then again 5 months after i had my son i was preg again with twins. just try to eat nutrious meals to make sure you are putting the right things in your body and you will be fine and you might want to take iron I got very anemic just a suggestion
   — raquel S.

October 12, 2004
CONGRATS CONGRATS!! I am 9 months post op and 3 1/2 months pregnant. Really the only difference with this pregnancy and my others Drs-wise is I go more often to monitor my weight and the babies growth. My Dr said he doesnt care if I dont gain but he really wanted me to stop loosing, which has subsided. He also said Id get more ultrasounds to ever further check the babies growth......which is fine with me. They do stress the vitamin intake and eating the right foods...its easy to want to eat the stuff we crave which for me is all not so healthy stuff. So, as long as everything else in your pregnancy goes fine you can just expect a few extra Dr visits, and theres nothin wrong with that! Enjoy the wonderful blessing of carrying a baby!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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