Why do I love the smell of Magic Markers?

   — kelley G. (posted on July 28, 2004)

July 27, 2004
Be careful. They can be deadly. Are you saying that since surgery you like the smell and didn't before? It's also called huffing and very addictive. Marsha
   — MARSHA D.

July 27, 2004
This could be a sign of anemia. Check out these previous posts where someone says that when they craved the smell of magic markers and were anemic. Have your iron levels checked. Tina RNY 12/4/03 288/178/150?
   — tmchase62

July 28, 2004
'Cause you're a FREAK! BAHAHAHHAHAHAAA! JUST KIDDDING! I think it's just one of those things, I like the smell of Mulch!
   — ScottieB86

July 28, 2004
Smell is one of the most potent senses and smells stay in our memories. Newborns recognize their mothers by scent. Perhaps there is some connection between a happy time in your life when you were making posters or coloring and the smell of magic markers reminds you of that. Anyone old enough to remember the smell of mimeograph? Crayons? There is a certain flower that blooms in the spring, and I have a memory "picture" of sitting by the window in my 6th grade classroom, and the smell wafted into the room. Everytime I smell that certain scent in the spring, that picture comes back to my mind. Okay, I "like" the smell of gasoline - not that I intentionally inhale it, but getting a waft at a gas station does not offend me. Wonder what is wrong with me??? Maybe it is anemia or just weirdness. (I my kids would vote for the later!)
   — koogy

July 28, 2004
We're all different. I like the smell of gasoline too, and skunk. Of course, I also love real lavender and gardenia! ;)
   — Jeanie

July 28, 2004
I love it when a certain scent sparks a memory. Every time I smell jasmine, I remember my first boyfriend, and gasoline reminds me of my dad (he's an aircraft mechanic and would come home smelling like jet fuel). There is a certain perfume that reminds me of my first day of high school (can't remember the name now, but I still smell it every once in a while). And these are STRONG memories, it's almost like being there again.
   — Ali M

July 28, 2004
I just read your question about your hemoglobin. Smelling markers goes along wilth symptoms of Pica which is a symptom of anemia. Have you had blood work done recently? If not, you need to get your iron levels checked along with your ferritin levels.
   — Pamela B.

July 28, 2004
please LET ME RESTATE THE QUESTION!! For the last 2mths, why do I CRAVE strange smells? i.e...markers, nail polish etc..?
   — kelley G.

July 28, 2004
Nobody knows a nose like a nose knows a nose LOL.
   — mary ann T.

July 28, 2004
Over active olfactory glands/nerves making up for all the food changes since surgery. My nose can smell things now that it never could before. I like it except when it's a bakery or a pizza place, then my mind wanders to the good ol days before wls. It's like ppl who quit smoking can smell a lit cigarette a mile away. If you think you are craving 'strange' smells, not everyday common smells you are probably missing some nutrient in your diet. My iron is low and I'm chomping ice all day and evening. I love the smell of my fruit cellar under my house. It smells damp and earthy. Not a bad smell but only I like it. When I sit outside, I sit beside the window just to get wiffs of it. Strange, eh? Ps--I never even noticed the smell of my fruit cellar before my wls.
   — mary ann T.

August 2, 2004
I am 51 years old, and the smell of Right Guard deoderant takes me back to the 8th grade and a boy I was crazy about. Magic Marker scent sounds tame now, doesn't it?
   — yvonne1953

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