For the past week, I have had so many mood swings and don't know why?

No!!!!!!, I have not had surgery or even approved by insurance yet. OHHHHHHHH, I am just so frustrated with everything and everybody right now. It comes and goes and today 7/6/04 is one of the worse days of all and I am at work. Also, yesterday,7/5/04 I went to take a nap and slept ALL DAY!!! and I don't remember much about the day at all. I need some help, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!    — Amy C. (posted on July 6, 2004)

July 6, 2004
Amy, it doesn't really matter WHY you're could be any number of things including something physical. I did exactly the same way you describe when I was hyperthyroid and it took 10 years to convince a doctor I was sick! Then I did the same thing again after I had the radiation treatment and went hypothyroid. Get to a doctor and INSIST that they help you find out what is wrong.
   — scbabe

July 6, 2004
Amy, you're not alone in the fight against frustration and depression. It's hard knowing that you are close to living a better, healthier life, but can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can suggest to you to do the same thing I'm doing, FOCUS. If you give you energy to depression, then you're going to escalate a monster inside of you that doesn't need to be present. I've been waiting, and doing so patiently. I started my journey in April, it's now July. I still have a couple of months to go because I have a couple other studies to have done. I'm not the world's most patient person, so imagine how much I'm fidgeting. I too look forward to sleep, as a matter of fact, I look forward even more to surgery and joke with my boss about taking a vacation once I have my surgery approval date. Amy, take it one day at a time. It's not always going to be an uphill event, but if you focus on what you've got to do, and focus on once you have this procedure done, the life changes you'll be making, it should help. I'm focusing on making a journal of my journey. That has me excited, because it will allow me to see how much growth I will receive from my weight loss, and allow me to continue to focus on the healthier, more improved me. Good luck, and keep you're head up. Just think, someone out there is more frustrated and depressed than you are. The difference between you and them is that you talked to someone who encouraged you to change your focus.
   — Tara H.

July 6, 2004
Aloha... Hang in there. Here is a fact that some folks don't realize after they have had any significant form of weight loss (be it from gastric bypass surgery OR through any other weight loss program). When you lose weight, the fat cells shrink. When this happens, estrogen is released. Because this happens, we get SOOOooo hormonal (not to mention as fertile as the Nile VALLEY!) after gastric bypass surgery. It can be very disconcerting because even though really wonderful things are happening to us (via weight loss and increased activity), sometimes we slip into a bit of the dumps. These little spurts of depression are a natural and expected result of the surgery. If it becomes a bit TOO overwhelming for you, definitely talk to your PCP and/or bariatric surgeon. They can help you during these interim blues periods with medication. Keep in mind that there are some antidepressants out there that can not only cause you to gain/retain weight but also give you a major case of the munchies. Your surgeon will most likely know which medication will work best for you. At any rate, know there is nothing WRONG with you... it is just your hormones out of whack. For me, I noticed that whenever I got over a plateau and started losing weight rapidly again, the blues got particularly bad. I was able to work through these times knowing that it was a part of the journey and that it wasn't ME going totally bonkers. Some folks do need some additional help with medication. Some of us can muster through with the support of friends who have gone through the same thing. Just know you will be okay!!!! Keep up the great work. Even with a few down-in-the dumps periods, this whole journey was worth it for me! I would have never dreamed that in less than 2 years, I would have lost almost 190 pounds and that I would be healthy/active for the first time in my adult life!! HANG IN THERE!! Many hugs, Kathie (in Hawaii).... Open RNY 08/07/2002... down 189 pounds.
   — KathieInHawaii

July 7, 2004
Hey, you are not alone on that issue. Trust me. My husband has been waiting for approval for the surgery for months. He is in great pain and use to be such a sweetheart. But now... dun, dun dunnnnnn... He is the biggest grouch ever! We get into little arguments now and then, but I try my best to overlook it. I know he is in a bad mood because of what he is going through and hopefully after a few months out of surgery, things will lighten up. Hope that goes the same for you :-)
   — Kairi

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