I gained 20 lbs. in hospital. One week post-op only lost 5!!!

I had rny open a week ago. While in the hospital I gained 20 lbs. I guess it was from water retention. Now I am home and doing everything I am supposed to do, but I have only lost 5 lb.s!! Is this normal? What can I do to get rid of this water weight?    — cloudy (posted on July 5, 2004)

July 5, 2004
Yeah, I would say this is very normal. I had open RNY too, and I couldn't fit in any of my pants for 2 weeks after surgery. My biggest jeans were too tight around my tummy for quite a while. No worries. It's swelling, bruising, etc. Good luck!
   — KelBurt

July 5, 2004
That totally happened to me! Dont let it phase you. It will all come off in the end. I am feeling and doing greaat! I am 7 months out now. Hang in there and happy healing! ~Jennifer
   — Zankri

July 5, 2004
NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL, DID I SAY THAT THIS WAS NORMAL? They pump 300 ozs of fluid into you an hour during surgery. The fluid weight will come off I promise you. ps, I gained 30# in the hospital, you are in good company.
   — ChristineB

July 5, 2004
I am another one who was wondering the same thing... I expected to lose right away too. I am now 3 weeks post op, and although it seems pretty slow, I have lost about 22 lbs. From what I have heard from others, apparently you will lose weight for the first 6 months after surgery (at least) even if you aren't trying! Don't worry! It WILL happen! Good luck!
   — Arlene I.

July 5, 2004
Connie, this is NORMAL. They actually hydrate you really well before you are released so that you don't become dehydrated so quickly after going home. It is giving you time to learn how to get your fluids in. Hold your chin up.. I'm 6 weeks post-op as of today and was worried about the same thing when i was released. My hands were huge from the fluid. :-)
   — smoore_911

July 5, 2004
Same thing happened to me. Try putting some lemon juice in your water and keep your feet up as much as possible. The lemon juice will help release the fluid and so will keeping your feet up. Also, keep walking. The exercise will help as well. Good Luck on your journey.
   — CAMFR

July 6, 2004
Each liter of IV fliud weighs 2.2 lbs. Your weight gain is not uncommon. It'll drop off in the 1st 10 days. Be patient, and get ready for the most exciting time of your life.............Diane N
   — DianeN

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