Diabetic st weight over 350 - 2 yrs post op, did you make it to your goal weight

I am over 2 years post op and I stopped losing at around 8 months post op. Start weight was 368 and I stopped losing at 247 and have gone up and down about a 10 lb range since then. When I am really good, diet & exercise I stay closer to the bottom end of that range but NEVER have gotten any lower. I have heard that diabetics have a much more stubborn metabolism. I was on insulin before this surgery but have been diet & exercise controlled since 3 months post op. Just wondering if other diabetics that started out as heavy as I have had a harder time reaching their weight loss goals. I would have liked to have made it closer to 200 or at least 210 (6' tall). Thanks!    — SARose61 (posted on June 7, 2004)

June 7, 2004
I started at a little less then you at 336 and was also diabetic, but I didn't take insulin. I was on pills. In the hospital they gave me insulin and 1 week after I came home I was off everything. In 15 months, I went from 336 to 180 lbs. with 30 more to go before I see a plastic surgeon. These last pounds are the real tough ones, but I exercise alot and drink a ton of water. I don't always get in as many calories as they want, but I try. Do you track your food, calories, protein, carbs etc? If you don't maybe you should to see if there is a problem. Good luck. You've done great so don't beat yourself up.
   — Sue F.

June 7, 2004
Rosemary, Which surgery did you have? I had my surgery 23 months ago. I am 5 foot 3 inches tall, and weighed 365 lbs with a BMI of 64. I was severely diabetic. I had open BPD/DS with gallbladder and appendix removal with Dr. Aniceto Baltasar in Alcoy, Spain. I've lost 205 lbs, diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, gerd, acid reflux, etc. I have DJD in my lower back and bilateral grade 4 degeneration of my knees - so exercise is not a part of my day to day life. I do the best I can. I don't really diet, but I do make sure I get in between 75 to 100 grams of protein daily, minimum of 64 ounces of water daily, shoot for 30 grams of dietary fiber daily, and of course, all of my vitamins. I try to choose complex carbs over simple carbs, but I do still drink regular pop and some sweets - pretty regularly. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

June 7, 2004
Hi rosemary, im a diabetic also on insulin. i didnt read your whole profile,but have you been alternating your excerise? muscle strengthing one day /walking/areobic activityanother day? perhaps you need to alternatic your excerise program. change up your routine so you body will kick up the pace can also switch to "0" calorie beverages atleast until you break you plautu, all the best! Tracey
   — traceybubbles

June 7, 2004
Hi Rosemary You are not alone, My weight loss has gone the same way. I am not diabetic --I am 50 had surgery when I was 48. I exercize religiously and I watch what I eat no refined sugar, pop, etc. I do snack and have weird cravings. Its hard sometimes to deal with some postops who eat sugar etc and have lost down to near their goal. My surgeon told me 149 lbs, I am 5'10" and I want to make it to 200lbs. The surgeons goal isnt going to happen. People compliment me all the time and I feel better now than I did when I was 30! I am having surgery for an incisional hernia Friday, BTC people have said that maybe the weight loss stopped when after the hernia developed. Who knows --hang in there and best wishes to you. I know what you are dealing with is hard because I have the same feelings and I think there are several people out there just like us.
   — debmi

June 7, 2004
I am sooo glad you wrote this question...not that I am glad you have this problem. But I am now 21mos out and I have lost 150lbs (start at 381). I lost that in the first year. After that it just stopped. I have gone up and down with the same 5lbs for 9 months. I finally talked to a new surgeon and he said that if a person starts with a very high BMI (64+) the chances of them reaching goal with just the one WLS procedure is usually very slim. I have gone back to writing everything down and tracking everything i eat and what exercise I do. After 1 year I will explore alternative options. There are other procedures you can have done if that is what you choose. I wish I had an answer for you, but please know you are not alone.
   — Carole J.

June 7, 2004
Rosemary, I also had diabetes, type 2. I was given insulin shots til 5 days post,I had sleep apnea, acid reflux/gerd, severe depression. I took a total of 17 pills a day. My original weight was 335 and lost 21 with herbs before WLS, day of surgery I was 314, today I am 181/183? I am 5'7. I reached goal before 8 months out, I do feel I was lucky in that area.I never expected my loss to be so quick. I now take 1 pill twice a day for bi-polar. I do make sure I get in my protein,water and vitamins daily, most important. I have snacking problems to deal with. I regularly read over the pouch rules to remind me. I have a surgery date for hernia repair/TT in late July. I have alway's said the medical was the most important reason for WLS the weightloss is just an added bonus. Just being off all the meds and diabetes gone is the most rewarding, to have my pcp call and say for the first time in your life you have a clean bill of health was the greatest. Concentrate on your health and small goals and go back to basics, it will happen for you, some things just take time. You can do it, believe in your self. And don't give up. God Bless Patricia open rny 9-30-03
   — pateblkbrn

June 8, 2004
Rosmary--I am also having a hard time reaching my goal I started out at 373 had surgery September 25, 2002 and I am doing the yo yo effect gain and lose. I am also diabetic under contol had not take pills for 2 years. I had gained 20 to 30 pounds from October to Marh. I also have other health problems like open sore on bottom of foot for 2 years and recently I broke ankle. so I cannot do long distance walking/ Right now I weigh 290 as of march 4
   — missturtle

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