I am 4 weeks post-op and not feeling any fullness from foods or drinks?

I am eating everything that the doctors tell me to. I'm still on purees and I'm not supposed to drink or eat more than half a cup at a time. I'm really confused because so many others experienced fullness their 1st day post-op. I haven't gotten really sick from anything and was even able to have a piece of cheese lasagna on my birthday. Am I broken?    — lacey34 (posted on March 9, 2004)

March 9, 2004
Nah you're not You sound fine to me.... I felt the same way at around 2 weeks, so I added some soild foods and I defintely felt the fullness (I asked the Dr. first)... It wasn't until I started to eat soild food I would feel full.. Pureed foods go right through your pouch and even cheese lasagna is pretty soft.. you will slowly see and learn that some things will fill you up quicker than others.. 1/2 cup of food at a time is perfect. I have been eating that amount since 4wks out and still eat that. Take Care
   — baybekmbrly

March 9, 2004
I'm 3 months postop and I still have no "feeling" of fullness. My doctor said sometimes it can take up to a year for that "feeling" to come back because the nerves are repairing themselves from the surgery. I have to judge by the amount - not the feeling. You will learn quickly when that one last bite was too much - then you pay attention!
   — Deborah S.

March 9, 2004
I didn't feel full when I was at 4 weeks post op. Infact around that time, I ate almost a whole container of that chef boyardee microwave stuff. It scared me that I ate the whole thing so I questioned it here. I got a little beef about my food choice, but basically was told the same thing you're being told. Soft foods, and pureed stuff goes through pretty easily. Wait till ya try chicken. Oofda! You'll feel full then. And definately make sure you stop when you're full. Listen to your body. It'll let ya know when you're done. "Lil tummies do not like to be more fuller. No way.. uh-uh!" (as my 5 year old tells me when I've overdone it)
   — Michelle J.

March 9, 2004
As one of the Chef-Boyardee-bashers (sorry), I would reiterate the general comments that you might not yet feel full (or, as is often the case, be incapable of recognizing fullness at this early stage given the years that many of us spend ignoring any hint of satiety). Certainly, lasagna isn't the worst food choice one could make, but it certainly isn't the highest protein choice for someone on a soft or pureed phase. And, as I am want to do with the peers in the support groups I facilitate, I would only ask you to consider why you used food to help celebrate your birthday.
   — SteveColarossi

March 9, 2004
At the risk of sounding harsh....neither my physician nor nutritionist has yet to add lasagna(usually full of fat and starch) to the list of foods that I should eat and I am 8 months out. This surgery is only a tool and when used properly will work, however, in your case, you are setting yourself up for failure if, as you said, you are only on pureed foods and then in the next breath said you had lasagna. You must learn that food is not to be used as a reward, after all that's how we all got to this point in the first place. A little tough love here....but love none the less. Good luck!
   — H S.

March 10, 2004
Like most posters here, I didn't get a full feeling until I started "normal" foods which was at 3 weeks out by my surgeon's guidelines. As far as the lasagna goes, he also told me to try whatever I wanted, being sure to keep the carbs low and avoid sugar altogether. At that early stage, it was impossible to get in enough protein so I avoided all carbs, including veggies and fruits. I'm five months out now and I still haven't had pasta because of the high carb/fat content. My birthday is Sunday and I'm planning to "reward" myself a new pair of SIZE 14 pants!!!!! This is a process we're all going thru and I wish you the best in finding the foods that work for you.
   —  SCbabe B.

March 10, 2004
Hello, you're not broken at all.....I'm 9 months out and still can not tell when I'm full, I just eat so much and then I stop. My surgeon keeps telling me that he never had a pt. that didn't know when they were full, so I told him that I was a unique and special person.... Good Luck... Deborah
   — Deborah

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