Anyone start out losing

Hello everyone. I am eight weeks post op and have lost 41 pounds. I consider myself to be a slow to average loser. I had hoped to reach my goal of losing 100 lbs in six months. Does anyone think that I can still achieve this goal? Has anyone else started out "slow" and made it to the century club in six months? Thanks for your answers in advance. ~Kristy (lap rny 9/18/03 - 320/279/168)    — kristynush (posted on November 17, 2003)

November 17, 2003
Hi Kristy, I started out at 320 too and am now 9 1/2 mths post-op, I think you are doing great at losing 41# at only eight weeks, I believe I lost around that much too at 8 weeks or maybe even alittle less. Just remember our bodies need time to adjust to the quick weight loss and sometimes it will stall then pick up quickly again, but so far you are doign fantastic keep up the great work! At 6 mths post-op I eventually lost around 100# I believe, so you will get there, everyone is different, and now I have lost around 130# so far total so I need to lose about 40-50 more! I tend to lose around 10# a mth! Good luck to you!
   — Melodee S.

November 17, 2003
Hi. 41 pounds in 8 weeks is average to high rate of loss. You may hit 100 pounds in six months. I realized in the past few days that I probably won't hit it. I'll only be at 90. Then I realized. OH MY GOD I'LL HAVE LOST 90 pounds!!!!! :) :) :) 100 pounds in six months is on the highest high end of loss. Take a look at my website if you like. I think the pics speak for themselves. I feel great. So I hit 100 pounds in 7 months. It's the journey not the destination. Congrats on losing so fast. A lot of people have only lost 25-30 pounds after 2 months.
   — mrsmyranow

November 17, 2003
At 8 weeks I had only lost 38 pounds and still managed to make it to 96 pounds by six, I guess, anything is possible if you are willing to keep working at it! Good luck! lap rny 1/31/03 - 274/148/135
   — eaamc

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