Had emergency exploratory/hernia repair-please help-NEED ADVICE

I had my rny Nov. 26, 2002. I was doing great.I have lost 130lbs.I had to have an emergency exploratory and hernia repair on Nov. 3, 2003 because I had a strangulated bowel-the intestines became entrapped in my incisional hernia. I was in the most excruciating pain of my life. The er doc said that if I let it go it could be life threatening. The bowel starts to die and creates a lot of problems.The problem is that my gastric bypass doc knew about the hernia. I saw her in June and she said I had to lose more weight(down 92lb then)before she would repair the hernia. I told her that it was painful and that when I sneezed or coughed I felt alot of pressure and bulging.She told me at that visit in June to just put my hand over the hernia site and apply pressure when I had to cough or sneeze.So that's what I did- and I had a cold and was coughing and even though I held my hernia site the bowel popped through and I ended up at the er. Has anyone out there had a doctor tell them this-just hold the hernia ? Does this sound irresponsible to anyone else or am I just sensitive to this because I went through it. I am now laid up for at least 6 weeks. It is a very large inconvenience for my employer because this was not scheduled. I am supposed to see my gastric surgeon in December. What do I say to her? PLEASE HELP!!    — Christina K. (posted on November 5, 2003)

November 5, 2003
Christina, I had a near emergent ventral hernia, as well. I actually talked my surgery team into waiting as long as possible before repairing it - I'd heard horror stories about the recovery! I ended up having the hernia repair/abdominoplsty - apparently right in the nick of time. Yes, like you, whenever I coughed, sneezed, or had a BM I'd have to hold the hernia in. I was totally blown away when it was gone how much less discomfort I was in! I agree that your WLS surgeon should have been MUCH more proactive and should have advocated for you. I think you should be honest with her and ask her why on earth she would urge you to do the thing that could well have been fatal. Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 5, 2003
I had a similar experience. However, when I didcovered my hernia and went to my surgeon I was only 6 months out and had a lot more weight to lose, I WANTED that tummy tuck w/ the hernia repair so bad. My bowel got stuck a few months later and I had emergency surgery to repair the hernia. Needless to say since it was an emergency there was no way to get the tummy tuck at the same time. I was very comfortable waiting to repair the hernia when it was initially discovered. It was my choice. It is rare that these complications happen. I was back to work as a registered nurse (full duty) in a hospital 4 weeks post op from the hernia repair. Any emergency surgery is an inconvenience. what would your employer do if some one got a bad appendix? you getting well now is the first priority. I would just tell the surgeon what happened. They could only advise you on what info they had at the time they saw you. If your bowel was not incarcerated in the office it would be difficult for them to predict what "might " or might not happen in the future or rush everyone into surgery because one in a hundred might have a complication.
   — **willow**

November 5, 2003
I had hernia repair May 21, 2003. My doc was upset that I made him wait a month before I could schedule. I am sorry you went through that. A hernia on a patient like us is serious. I would vent my frustrations to her.
   — Stephanie B.

November 6, 2003
I haqve 2 incisional hernias and my doc told me he wont repair till I am 18mo. p/o ....thats like a year a way...going to someone else!
   — hooterzgirl75

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