Is it possible to never dump?

I accidently drank a non-diet soft drink yesterday. I reached behind the diet one in front to get a colder one in back and without checking that it was the same diet soft drink, I baught it and then drank it. I don't know why I decided to look at the bottle after taking the last drink but I did and to my surprise it wasn't diet! It had over 70 g sugar and nothing happened. This worries me since its not good news not to dump on sugar.    — Cari F. (posted on October 8, 2003)

October 8, 2003
Many people do not dump, I think it is about a third of bypassers (what my doctor said). But I do know that if you don't dump now, you can dump later. And many people who do dump now lose that side effect. Kind of scary...
   — Sheryl W.

October 8, 2003
I didn't check to see how far out you are but I have heard people say that if you are a few years out you don't dump???? I don't know if it is true but I do know that not everyone dumps .
   — Saxbyd

October 8, 2003
Dumping to me is feeling icky, a bit tired and warm. Although ONE TIME I REALLY dumped, on a single brownie from a church bake sale. I was miserable for two hours, but got lots of work done later that day. Early on I tried to induce dumping so I would know exactly what it was:( I kinda wished I dumped more.
   — bob-haller

October 8, 2003
Some don't - but have you considered all the controversy about drinking carbonated drinks? If you have not, look at the library for information on this. I personally have a few sips of my kids' soda if I'm thirsty, but a whole can of soda doesn't sound like a good idea.
   — bethybb

October 8, 2003
I've never dumped. Sometimes I wish I would, but everyone in my support group says to be glad I don't. Open RNY 6/12/03
   — Cosmo K.

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