This is regarding a abnormal yolk sac in early pregnancy please help

Hi everyone, its been so long since I have posted in here but my life has been hectic and busy, I do however think often of my wls sisters and brothers and always pray that all is good with you. I have some good news to share and some bad news and needs some advice from you all. The good news is that I am a little over 5 weeks pregnant (lmp 8/26/03). The bad news is that yesturday I had to have an ultrasound done cuz of some cramping i had the day before, the radiologist (i work with him) told me that the yolk sac didnt look right and that the baby wont survive, not to mention no heart beat, well at this stage its normal to not hear a heart beat yet but he was mainly concerned with the yolk sac abnormalty. I guess what I am asking is for hope and someone out there who has heard of this or has had this or something. I am soo distruat i cant stop crying long enough to hope ... Please offer your advice thank you Deanna Wise in Las Vegas, NV    — Deanna Wise (posted on October 4, 2003)

October 4, 2003
Deanna - I am sorry things are not looking well for your little one. I think the cramping and abnormal yolk sac are pretty clear indicators that this was not a good fertilization and that your body is probably trying to pass the tissue as an early miscarriage. However, miracles can happen. If God intends for a life to grow inside you - whether now or down the line - it will happen.
   — bethybb

October 4, 2003
i had this same problem with my first pregnancy. i was about 6 weeks and started cramping and spotting. i had an internal ultrasound done and was told the same as you. but all was ok and my daughter is not 11. it also happened with my second pregnancy as well second child is now 8. i wish you all the best
   — franbvan

October 4, 2003
Hi Deanna- So sorry for what you're going thru. If you are someone who believes in prayer, ask God to hold your precious embryo in His loving hands and ask for the courage to trust in Him to do what's right. Also, pray for intervention from the Virgin Mary, She is a mother and understands. This is just my humble opinion folks, please no bashing on this one. I don't expect everyone to share my beliefs. Deanna, I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Good Luck
   — Mea A.

October 4, 2003
I could have written this post about 9 years ago. My first pregnancy was going along fine. About 8-9 weeks I had a US and was told exactly what you were. The yolk sak didn't look right. First US they said it did have a heartbeat, second US (about a week later) they said it didn't. It was heart wrenching. I did miscarry. My body did not spontaneously miscarry and I had a D&C. I'm sorry I know this is not what you want to hear. However, in the month that I would have delivered that baby I found out I was pg with my son and all was healthy with that pregnancy. I wish you the best and there's not much anyone can say to comfort you in this time. I hope for you that you are like the first poster and not me and you continue to have a happy, healthy pregnancy. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Robin
   — Robin V.

October 4, 2003
Deanna, I am 3 months post-op with 3 kids ages 11, 10 and 22 months. The last child, Harry, was a surprise. In the beginning, I had cramping and spotting at 5-6 weeks. The first ultrasound I had done, the dr. thought I had miscarried, but I hadn't. The 2nd one proved that. The AFP blood test done at 15 weeks showed probable Down's Syndrome and Spina Bifida. At my first attempt at Amniocentesis, there was not enough fluid. The dr.(a high-risk specialist) thought it was because the baby did not have any kidneys or bladder(Potter's syndrome) and it probably would miscarry and definitely not survive past delivery. He would "try again" for the 2nd Amnio in 4 weeks. That was 4 weeks of praying to God and feeling like I was living in Hell! Well, the 2nd attempt was successfull and I had just enough fluid and they saw the baby's bladder and kidneys! They did the rapid genetic test(48 hours). Two days later the geneticist called me to tell me that I was carrying a healthy baby boy with no genetic abnormalities! There is power in prayer. Harry was a "surprise" after 12 years of marriage, but God knew what He was doing! I was planning WLS and pregnancy halted that. I did need more mental preparation, but I also needed something I did not know I needed, that was my Harry. He "should not" have happened in so many ways, but he did. Just keep up your prayers and God will answer them. We had the testing done because we lost our first daughter in June 1991 for unknown reasons. She was stillborn at fullterm. Harry looked exactly like her at birth. God has a reason and a plan for everything. Best Wishes!

October 4, 2003
Deanna, I think the first thing you should know is that without a single doubt, IF something is, in fact, wrong and this pregnancy ends up not ending the way I think we're all praying it does, know that this is not a result of anything you have done. I miscarried twin girls in my 18th week of pregnancy. This was during some other hard times and I blamed myself for being too stressed, too emotional...anything that could put the blame on myself because I needed some sort of closure and some sort of answer. Trust me, this is not the way to go. You have done nothing to deserve this and you have done nothing to cause this. Secondly, a lot of the time these sonograms and amniocentisis tests, etc. do a lot of good-they can find problems early on and some of these problems can be reversed or helped. Sometimes, they do nothing but alert you of the possibility of complications. And still other times, they cause a lot of worry for no reason. I truly hope that your situation is a happy one. I wish I could give you a great, big hug!
   — jenn_jenn

October 5, 2003
Deanna, No advice here just lots of prayers, warm thoughts and loads of hugs. Hope all works out for you and yours. Take care of yourself and be kind to yourself.
   — Deborah F.

October 5, 2003
I am praying for you and you're little one. When I went for my first exam (about 9 weeks pregnant)the US tech could not find a heart beat. You know at 9 weeks that is really bad. I was freaking out. Still don't know why the US showed no hear beat, because my son was alive...and was very healthy and is now 2 and a half years old.When I was about 14 weeks pregnant with my now 2 and half.
   — Renee B.

October 5, 2003
I found out I was pregnant at 4 months post-op. We were totally surprised, yet it was SOOOO wanted! We had tried for over 2 years for another baby when I decided to have WLS. We made a huge deal out of my first OB appt. We brought the camcorder and our 4 year old. During the ultrasound, the doctor was very quiet. She couldn't find a heartbeat or any movement and the sac was already collapsing. We lost our baby almost a month ago and it still hurts as bad as it did then. It was the most traumatic thing I've ever gone through. I pray that you won't have to go through that. If you have any questions about what to expect or just need to talk, please email me at [email protected] . Hugs to you!!
   — jessica C.

October 8, 2003
Have hope... after 2 miscarriages, the second one at 20 weeks, I finally became pregnant with twins. Because of the miscarriages, I was ultrasounded at 6 weeks. One heartbeat was picked up, the other one wasn't. They could see both sacks but said they couldn't confirm if the twin would survive because the yolk didn't look right and they couldn't detect a heartbeat. I was ultrasounded one month later and both babies were (and are now), fine. There was a chance that I ovulated a second time during the month and that the twin was actually conceived a week or so after the first baby so the development was delayed. This delay was seen throughout the pregnancy but fortunately, no complications, both kids are fine.
   — Mary A.

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