what do they have to do with your diet?
I was just wondering about the plateaus. i hear it used but really don't understand what it means. Help! — jrussellburg (posted on September 18, 2003)
September 17, 2003
A plateau is when your body stops losing weight for a little while. No
reason known but i suspect it is your body trying to catch up with the many
changes it has gone thru. It also can happen very early out. I had my
first one at two weeks out and it lasted for three weeks. Sometimes during
this "resting' period, you will lose inches instead of pounds. The
diet really has nothing to do with it. Some people have them regurlaly
(like me) and others expereince none.
— Delores S.
September 17, 2003
A friend from my support group and I have been able to avoid plateaus and,
perhaps not coincidentally, we both tend to follow the same regimine: when
weight loss appears to slow for more than a few days, we both increase our
protein intake (to over 80 grams a day) and drastically reduce carb intake
(to about 15 grams a day). Dropping into this Atkins induction type of
diet has seemed to work at jump-starting the weight loss.
— SteveColarossi
September 18, 2003
I have always heard that a plateau is your bodies way of adjusting to the
weight you have already lost. It is a physiological ( NOT PHYCHological)
response to the weight loss. It will pass if you continue to follow the
rule of WLS. Good luck.
— Jan S.
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