Why do I seem to stay hungry all of the time?

I eat 2 pieces of wheat toast w/fruit spread.(05:00) I will eat cereal and a piece of fruit at 09:30 At 11:00 I will eat lil debbies peanutbutter crackers At 12:00 noon, I will eat lunch which usuall consist of sm. portions of left overs from the night before. AT 2:30 pm I will have a piece of fruit, or a few pieces of the cheddar cubed cheese, and then around 7:00 pm I will eat supper that usually consits of vegtables, sm. piece of meat, and a salad. Then around 9:30, I will have a bowl of cherrios. With that, could any post op tell me why I feel like I stay hungry all of the time?    — Laura W. (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
You are more than likely hungry all the time because you are not eating any real protein until dinner unless you opt for the cheese at snack time. If all I ate were carbs I could eat pretty endlessly without feeling full. You might want to get back to the protein first rule and I would bet that your hunger will be satisfied and you will eat less.
   — Carol S.

September 8, 2003
You're eating WAYYYYY too many carbs! Up your protein, and eat the PROTEIN FIRST!!!! Stay away from so much crackers, cereal & toast. Eat more cheese, lean meat, eggs, etc. Good luck to you.
   — MissPriss

September 8, 2003
I am with the others - you are hungry because of all of the carbs. Pick up the "carb addicts diet" book or the Atkins diet book at your local library and you will learn how carbs cause us to get hungry. Increasing protein actually causes you to keep the hunger at bay because your body has to work harder to digest it. Best wishes -
   — M B.

September 8, 2003
I have two words for you CARB DETOX! I also have problems with starvation-like feelings when I eat too many carbs. Here's what works for me when things get out of control:<p>First, you go extremely low carb for about 3 days: NO white carbs, NO refined sugars. What little carbs you do have should be whole grain and/or "natural" fruits and veggies. Eat high-protein mini-meals every few hours to keep your metabolism up and to keep yourself from going nuts. :)<p>Do not get me wrong. The first day or two is HARD. You will think you NEED those carbs. You do not. Stay strong and tell yourself that it is only a couple of days. By day 3 you will be wondering what it was about carbs that was so attractive!<p>Keep to an all protein breakfast. That will keep you from starving all day and you will eat less but feel more satisfied. Introduce the carbs back slowly, avoiding the white carbs and refined sugar in favor of whole grain foods and fruits/veggies. By this point you should be able to stick to the "rules" (protein first, then fruits & veggies, then other stuff if you have room) without too much of a struggle.<p>When those carbs creep back into your diet, you just do it all again!<p>This works for me. I hope it works for you!
   — ctyst

September 8, 2003
I totally agree with Cheri. You need to start the day with a protein breakfast- ditch the cereal and toast and have a scrambled egg with melted cheese in it. I hope you are also supplementing with protein drinks as you have very little protein in the daily diet that you provided to us.
   — Cindy R.

September 8, 2003
Sounds like you're overdosing on the carbs. Carbs always make me hungrier. Try more protein earlier in the day and try to eliminate the majority of the carbs throughout the day for a while and see if that makes a difference. My surgeon's eating rule are protein first, then fruits and veggies and ONLY if there is room carbs.
   — Cathy S.

September 8, 2003
GEEEEEEEZ!!!! It's the carbs! I agree with the others. I have gone through this myself. You are eating waaaay too many carbs. Eat more Protein. Good Luck.
   — Lisa G.

September 8, 2003
Remember the post-op eating rules: PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN, veggies, fruit, carbs. Also get in the 64 oz of water. You daily intake is more carbs than I eat in a week. Try going back to square one and building your routine back up focused on protein.
   — zoedogcbr

September 8, 2003
Because you're eating carbs, carbs, and more carbs. Stick w/ protein only at breakfast and lunch and you'll see a HUGE difference in your appetite. If I started my day with toast and cereal, I would be starving all day. Carbs make you crave more carbs. Eat PROTEIN.
   — mom2jtx3

September 8, 2003
you are eating too many carbs the more carbs you eat the more you want. try to stick around 30 carbs a day, you are having way over that most bread has almost that in one slice. hang in there it is not easy!
   — janetc00

September 9, 2003
I started eating the same way you are and I was hungry all day long. Try eating more protein then the carbs. I know it is hard. what i do is have cheese at work for one of my snacks. it has a lot of protein in it. ALso you might ant to try to eat every 3 hours. If you wait too long in between meals I have found i will get really hungry. OS i tend to eat more. Try snacking on protein bars. there are some good ones. they do have a little sugar. So i don't know how you are with sugar. Can't remember the name but you can get them from wal-mart. They taste like they have rice crispies on them instead of the yucky chew stuff they put in the other ones.
   — spring A.

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