Can anyone tell me where to buy Fruit 2 O water at a decent price?
I purchased VeryFine Fruit 2 O water yesterday for the first time and found out that I love it! I'm trying to get myself into the habit of drinking a lot of water now, as I am still a pre-op, so that it will be easier for me to adjust as a post-op. Anyway, the 6-pack of 16-ounce bottles that I purchased at Kroger was $3.99. I don't think I can afford to drink this water on a regular basis at that price. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I can find it cheaper? — kristynush (posted on July 14, 2003)
July 14, 2003
I'm not sure what the cost per 6-pack comes out to, but Sams Club has
Fruit20 in large cases for what seemed to me at the time a good price...I
drink a lot of it as a treat too! The peach is fabulous! Cheers0 (Lap RNY
23-Jan-2003 246/175)
— gamboge
July 14, 2003
I just got a 24pack 16oz at Gordons Food Service and it was $11.99. Good
— Sandy M.
July 14, 2003
You can find it all most sams clubs for about 10.00 per case of 24.. some
sams carry both sets of flavors... you get 4 flavors in each case..
— paulsgirl
July 14, 2003
I got mine at Costco and Sam's. It is much toooooo sweet for me
I like SoBe Lean. It has a much tarter taste.
July 14, 2003
BJ's Wholesale Club (same sort of thing as Costco and Sam's). 9.99/case of
Also, for the same sort of drink but less expensive, Adirondack just came
out with the same sort of thing as Fruit2-0 .... non carbonated, fruit
flavored water. I found it at a local grocery store, and it was
$1.99/6-pack. I actually like the Adirondack better, has more flavor than
Fruit2-0.... not that I don't like Fruit2-0, because I do.
— sunneegirl
July 14, 2003
I have purchased it at Sam's for under 10.00 a caase, Gordon's had it for a
little over 10.00 a case. Walgreens has their brand which tastes similar
for 50 cents a bottle this week with the coupon on the front page of the
flyer. The walgreen's bottle is 24 oz, so it is a little more than the
normal 16 oz in the cases.
— Heather M.
July 14, 2003
RALPHS grocery stores have them ON SALE this week for $2.99 a six pack
— ~~Stacie~~
July 14, 2003
Good luck! I tried to find them cheap two years ago as a new post op. Even
Sam's Club was high. What I enjoy the best is lemon and that is harder to
find in Fruit 20 than a gold tooth in a garbage can. Anyway, P&C came
out with something called "Adirandack Spring Water". They have it
in several favors but their lemon has more lemon than the Fruit 20 one. I
wait until it is buy one six pack and get another free, which is'nt to
often. Then buy a $100 worth! Personally my favorite diet drink is Diet
Snapple Peach Tea, but I also love the lemon waters.
— Danmark
July 14, 2003
Walgreens has a generic that taste's just as good to me, and it is on sale
for 2 for a dollar.
— Moysa B.
July 14, 2003
Wal-Mart, it is about the same as soda.
— Mshoenfelt
July 14, 2003
Moiasa is right! Very Very Good! And reasonable...these are 24 oz bottles
larger than the Fruit 2 0! And either go for 4 for $3.00 or like now
2/$1.00 They have grape,lemon lime,raspberry,strawberry,orange and another
I cant remember.
— Vicki R.
July 14, 2003
I used to be a Fruit 2 0 fan and always got it at Sam's club for $9.99 per
case. You could get it at Wal-Mart (Superstores) for $1.99 per six pack
most of the time. But I found a new favorite--Aquacal. The favors are a
little stronger, it has Vitamin C and calcium and no calories. My
favorite flavors are the Lemon Lime and the Black Cherry. It also comes in
Strawberry, Raspberry and Peach/Mango. I get it at convenience stores or
— Cathy S.
July 14, 2003
Sam's Club for Fruit 2-O...the nice thing about this beverage is that it
has Splenda as a sweetener and not the (in my opinion) evil, nasty Nutra
Sweet (aspartame). Now if someone will come out with a convenient,
prepackaged Stevia sweetened, CLEAR "water", I would be very
happy! Good luck in finding Fruit 2-O, you can always try begging at your
local Walmart (or similar type of store) and asking them to order it in for
you and all your friends (recruit enough people to ask for it, and the
store WILL order it in if they can get it through their regional
— Terry R.
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