Anyone started at about 370 or close and lost all weight and had plastic surgery done

I started at 370ish pounds and am down to 265. It's been 5 1/2 months and I want to know if anyone was around my weight, lost most of it and had plastic surgery? Tummy Tuck, Breast Lift, arms thighs anything? I'd love to see photo's so I can maybe get an idea of how good and / or bad I'm still going to look. I'm not sure my weight is coming off fast enough and I'm worried about the plastic surgery. Please email me if you have a link to your pictures I could see.    — Nicolle R. (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 10, 2003
I weighed in at 468 before WLS. I am under 200 now 5yrs later. I just had a TT (4weeks post op). I think I look GREAT. And they say I'm swollen and will see real results in 2 months. I feel GREAT! My insurance paid for the TT. I plan on having my arms and a little finishing work done. Doctor says I must wait 6months.
   — chubbygirl99

June 11, 2003
I was 370 preop. Lost 26 pounds pre op. At 5 1/2 months I was at 269 and that's where it started going slow. Over the next two months I lost nothing, then dropped 20 pounds over a couple a weeks, then nothing, then dropped. Seems to be my pattern, I no longer panic when I stop loosing (well, not much anyway) I'm now 11 months out and down to 226. I haven't had PS yet and probably won't for another year. I have lots of lovely hanging skin. I work out a lot and I'm just starting to notice muscles, it's sort of strange. I'm hoping to loose another 50 pounds. I realize this isn't what you asked but I would also be interested in seeing how others starting at our size have done.
   — Sunny S.

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