I have been seeing an eating disorder psychologist

for about eight months now for binge eating. I no longer have major bingeing episodes and feel 100% confident that I can stick to dietary restrictions post-op. The problem is that the psychologist at my surgery center wants a letter of support from my normal psychologist. My normal psychologist is pushing back and telling me that she is not in favor of the surgery and wants to closely monitor me first. I am frustrated and don't know what to do. It should be my decision on whether or not I can handle this. I mean, I completely passed the surgery center's psychological written exam and consult.    — kristynush (posted on May 15, 2003)

May 15, 2003
Your eating disorder psych wants you to wait? Does he disagree with people having the surgery period or is it that he thinks you are not ready? If he thinks that you are not ready, I would listen. This person is a specialist in the field. I am 7 months post-op and an seeing a counselor who specializes in eating disorders.....I wish I would have had the goo sense to seek and complete treatent BEFORE wls......if I would have I would probably be losing much more weight than I am. I would have a healthy view of food ect.....the psych that your weight loss surgeon sent you to, works with your surgeon in trying to get you approved and doesnt know you that well, doesnt know your history that well....
   — cherokey55

May 15, 2003
If you passed the surgeon's psych exam then what is the problem. Get another psych. Your normal psych's opinion does not matter. Go to a psych your surgeon recommends. The insurance company does not need your normal psych evaluation that you see regularly. Don't let their opinion keep you back if you want surgery. You will not be able to binge it. You body will not physically allow you to over eat. Your attitude and mental state will most likely change as well. I am not an MD so do not take my word, just do not let other plp hold you back and doubt yourself.
   — Shayla527

May 15, 2003
Can I just tell you how good it is to hear other's who are finally getting this help with eating disorder specialist as well as surgery. I truely feel as if this process is about mind, body and soul. Most people just concentrate on the body and food part of the surgery. ok with that said, I'm surprized your therapist is not willing to write the letter for you. Is it she is against the surgery period or just for you right now? The next time you see her, I would go in with as much as know about the surgery and how you feel and see if you can change her mind? So she knows how prepared you are. Perhaps she really is looking out for your best intrest? If not, get another doctor. You need to be with someone you trust. Best os lusck to you...aims
   — chickiewickie

May 16, 2003
I disagree with Shayla completely. Your normal psyhs opinion is very important. This person is a specialist in the field, has been working with you for months, knows you very well, YOU PAY THIS PERSON TO GIVE YOU SOUND I said in my prior post, I would find out if this Dr. is against wls period or if hes against you having it right now. Your wls will be way less than than it could be for you if you have it without being ready....exorcise your food demons first so you will be successful later. You can still binge after wls.....a lady I know ate until she burst her staples/stiches..whatever was holding her stomach together after her wls, she nearly died and they did not redo her staples/stitches. You can also develop a pattern like I have.... I never eat much at once..maybe 1 oz or so.....but I eat constantly, like every couple hours..You can definately eat through this surgery. These problems DO NOT just disappear after wls..they are still there and must be dealt with completely before you embark on your weight loss journey.....I wouldnt fee so strongly if I didnt speak from experience...good luck
   — cherokey55

May 16, 2003
Your situation is two-sided and both sides are about even. Do you trust your normal psychologist in other matters of your life? I ask this because if you do and this has been a good chemistry between the two of you, just ask honestly why she is not in favor of it. If it is HER personal opinion, then by all means, get another psychologist. On the other hand, if she feels that it is something else, work through it together. This is a very tough journey, there are days that are really hard to get through without my old friend and there are days that are a breeze. I personally have decided to start going to a psychologist myself because I am having issues with self-image. It really is a mental hardship, your life changes so fast and our old reliable friend is no longer there. I have a friend that went through the same thing as you, and granted it took longer, but she is so much happier that it was done the way it was. But I still don't understand why they need two psych. evaluations. Doesn't seem to make sense to me. One bit of advice that I have noticed from support group: from the beginning if you have any cravings for something sweet, make it the sugar free variety, I have noticed a pattern from people that start with a bite size candy every day, then two.... before they know it, they are eating full size candy bars..etc. I keep plenty of alternative choices around (just in case) and I have found that sometimes just knowing it's there is a form of comfort, I have thrown alot away due to being stale before it was finished. Not something I was ever used to doing before. Best of luck to you! My process took a long time to, and I think that I felt that it really prepared me to work harder to succeed. It must have, I am very close to goal only 8 1/2 mo out and down to 155 from 283.
   — Dana B.

May 16, 2003
I also wanted to add, that if you trust your normal psychologist, stick with her and work it out. If not, move on. My daughter has been having problems (bi-polar) and we went through 4 different psychologists before we found one that she feels comfortable with. Remember, they are human too and even though that is there job, they don't know everything and are not going to 'click' with everyone.
   — Dana B.

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