My doctor does the Open RNY- what can I expect realistically ?

I want details of what are some realistic expectations immediately after surgery while in the hospital and the first week at home.    — OHAngel2006 (posted on April 8, 2003)

April 8, 2003
I had an open rny on 12/18/02...i was in the hospital for 1 week ...right after surgery believe me i was crying wondering what i did to myself...but each day i grew stronger and thing to keep in mind is that you have to be your own advocate..the hospital kept giving me jello with sugar...i had to send a friend to get me sugar free jello
   — Alexandria D.

April 8, 2003
amen to being your own advocate. Try to have someone with you. As far as what to expect, how big are you expecting your incision to be?I ask becasue my incision was only 4 inches long at the most. I felt good and was home in 4 days (3 nights). But other docs do the "stem to stern" incision and that is a longer recovery for most. More muscles are cut, and you have more pain and a harder time getting around after surgery.
   — Vicki L.

April 8, 2003
Hi Tracy! I just had Open RNY 03/24/03. And I have to say I expected more pain than I actually had. My highest pain level was an 8 and that was the day I woke up from surgery. However, I was given Morphine and it made me very comfortable. I was up walking within 4 hours of my surgery and I felt good. I was in the hospital for 4 days and came home with pain killers that I have not touched! It's not like I want more pain but I am really surprised that I am not in more pain. Everyones pain tolerance is different. But believe me I was a nervous wreck before surgery. Since being home I have been walking, following my diet and I have been able to sleep in my own bed. The first 2 days home from the hospital I slept on the couch but I manage to position my bed pillows in such a way that I can sleep all night comfortably. Good Luck Tracy!
   — Steph P.

April 8, 2003
I had my Open RNY on 2/10/03. I was surprised at the level of pain I experienced upon waking up, but it was mostly when I was trying to get out of bed to go to the bathroom or walk around. When I was just laying there, I wasn't too bad, just really tired. I slept almost the whole time I was in the hospital. I was in the hospital for 4 days/3 nights, then I went home to my parents house so I wouldn't be alone. I stayed there for 2 weeks. I noticed a significant decrease in my pain level after 1 week and another decrease at 2 weeks. After coming home from the hospital, I found that I could not sleep in a bed nor could I sleep in a recliner. I found that the only place I could sleep was on the couch because it was the easiest for me to get up and down. I took a bunch of stuff to the hospital with me, including a CD player and CD's, magazines, and pajamas. I didn't use any of the stuff that I brought. I slept the whole time and was too tired to even glance through a magazine. I thought I would really care about wearing my own clothes, but I just didn't have any modesty, I was in too much pain too care. I was hot, and I didn't expect that as I am usually always cold. But I am told this is a result of the medication. Also, I found my muscles to be really twitchy. I don't know how else to put that, I would often wake up with my muscles twitchy. At one point, I got really scared and thought maybe I was having a seizure or my heart was stopping or something, but the nurse told me it was just a side effect of the medication. My mom stayed in the hospital with me the whole time and it was SO helpful. The hospital had a special WLS menu that was all sugar free so I didn't have to worry about that, but it was helpful to have her there to help me get in and out of bed. I didn't have an appetite for the first several weeks so I really had to follow a schedule of eating and drinking. In the hospital, I did not have an NG tube or a catheter, but every surgeon is different, so I would recommend you ask yours about what to expect when you wake up.
   — Janet S.

April 8, 2003
I had an open RNY (incision about 6 inches long) 3.5 months ago (December 30). I was in the hospital Monday thru Friday. Getting up and down out of bed was a pain (literally), but in general the physical pain wasn't bad at all. HOWEVER, the changes in your LIFE are tough. Being "hungry", not physically, but just feeling like a snack, and not being able to take a bite of this or that, is tough. Not feeling comfortable in restaurants watching other people eat. Having to drink water, then drink more water. Hearing so many conflicting types of advice on nutrition. Wanting to snack when you're bored, tired, angry, stressed, etc., and not being able to do so. THOSE things are harder than the physical pain that may last a week or two after surgery.
   — kelly D.

April 8, 2003
Hi. I was in the hospital two days. I had no major pain and the minor stuff was handles by the meds given to me. The not eating and the adjusting after surgery we harder. The incision also has a small stoma which leaked for a week and half. Messy but minor.
   — Micheal B.

April 8, 2003
Tracey - I had my open RNY on 3/20/03 and to tell you the truth it was pretty easy. I had it done on a Thurs morning and as left the hospital on Saturday. They get you out of bed within hours after the surgery to go to the bathroom. You will have an IV to pump fluids and pain meds... morphine is pretty standard and manages the pain just fine. Get up and walk as much as possible in the hospital... it helps the recovery period. My Doc gives heparin shots in the belly twice a prevent clots. Th`e
   — teresa M.

April 9, 2003
EXPECT PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!! I had open Fobi pouch 1/17/03, I did not expect to be in so much pain the first 3-4 weeks. My weight(460) made it worse. It was so hard, b/c of the pain, to get up and go to the bathroom or to get up for anything. It hurt to move. But it was so worth it! You get over it and enjoy your losing. Best wishes:)!
   — Kimmie C.

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