can I drink cranberry juice for bladder infection

usually I drink cranberry juice for bladder infections and get over them after two or three glasses. last week I had one and didn't think I could drink the juice so I only had water to rely on. My question is do they make a sugar-free cranberry juice. I can't seem to find it if they do. or can I drink the regular without dumping. I had r n y. What do you think? Thanks    — Delores S. (posted on March 27, 2003)

March 27, 2003
There is no such thing as sugar free fruit juice of any kind. Fruit has fructose, or fruit sugar, in it, no matter what kind of fruit it is. There are 'no sugar added' juices, but they are not sugar free. Fructose may or may not make you dump. I'd try a small amount, say 1/4 cup and see how it affects you. If it doesn't bother you, you might try a little more later. Or you could drink 1/4 cup several times over the course of the day.
   — garw

March 27, 2003
My mother in law baught me some sugar free juices made from ocean spray i beleive... it was to strong for me so i mixed it with water but am not sure they make the cranberry stuff just keep you eyes and ears open cuz anything is possible in this day & age! good luck
   — Deanna Wise

March 27, 2003
My sister is a type 1 diabetic, Ocean Spray does make a no sugar added cranberry juice, it's called Ocean Spray Lite Cranberry Juice. Good luck!
   — Sue-Ellen J.

March 27, 2003
GNC carries a dehydrated crannberry product in a capsule. No sugar. Works for me.
   — Bill P.

March 27, 2003
I've been drinking the light cranberry juice for many months and I've always handled it just fine. We're all different so you'll just have to try it out and possibly mix it with some water to cut the sugar content. 9 months out and 130 lbs lighter :)
   — Kathy R.

March 27, 2003
The Cran-family Lightstyles were yummy, but I just take the pills instead. No sugar at all that way. Sigh. Dont' get me wrong, a glass of the lights would be ok, but not lots like you'd want right now
   — vitalady

March 30, 2003
If it really is an infection (i.e., bacterial) and not something milder, you should probably see a doctor. What I've heard is that cranberry juice can make your urinary tract less susceptible to infections, but not cure them once they've kicked in. I've suffered from chronic bladder infections for years and people often gave me advice about cranberry juice, yogurt, etc., but the only thing that's worked is for me to be on low-dose antibiotics for the foreseeable future. (I'm sure your problem isn't this serious, though.)
   — sjwilde

March 30, 2003
Snapple makes a diet cranberry-raspberry that has no sugar in it.
   — DWanna D.

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