Did you have surgery in September 2002? If so I'd like to hear from you

I had surgery 9/19/02 and am down 81lbs, I feel much better but I am just wondering if others who had surgey in 9/02 are having the "emotional eating" problems I am ? I just want to know what is working for you, and what isn't working for you. Thanks for your input!    — Leah G. (posted on March 20, 2003)

March 20, 2003
Hi Honey, I had surgery August 2002. I have the same emotional eating problems. Most days I stay on the right track. But some days all I want to do is eat. I am so afraid I will stretch my pouch. I think it is a constant battle and will always be with us. But I do not diet. I try to eat the right food everyday. Then when I do fall off the wagon the next day I go back to the good habits. I drink my protein shakes first to make sure that I get my 64oz. I usually have a double shake in the morning which equals 30 grams & have another double in the evening. The shake is my breakfast. Then for lunch I have a low fat sandwich and wow chips and water or soup. For dinner I have the same or 3oz of meat, veggies. I started at a weight close to 290 lbs and today I weight 183 lbs. You are doing great. Don't beat yourself up over not eating the right food all the time. The main reason we have had the surgery is to not have to diet all the time. As long as you are not eating carbs on top of carbs everyday you will be fine. We have to eat. But we have to remember we have to eat to live not LIVE TO EAT. I still look forward to my meals. Just remember don't beat your self up everytime you make a bad choice. Put it behind you and get back on track. You have lost 81 lbs in 6 months. WOW!!!!!. GREAT JOB. YOU MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT. GOOD FOR YOU, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GIRL.
   — mickie5535

March 20, 2003
Boy is your question relevent today!!! I had surgery on the 18th of Sept and have lost 106lbs and over 62 inches. However...every now and then usually when I get a "little visitor"like TODAY. I am just wanting to put ANYTHING in my mouth. I really agree with Mickie about not beating myself up over it. I know that the majority of the time I choose the correct things to eat and I get lots of exercise and am doing fine. Even though I now HATE girl scouts ;)( I only have about 4 more boxes of those evil things in my freezer)I just pick myself up, dust myself off and crawl back up on that horse and keep ridin'!!! When I get really bad I try to call a friend or clean out a closet, go out and play with my fur babies, anything to get my mind off of the urge to eat something I know I shouldn't have if I'm not hungry. I'm sending you LOTS of positive thoughts and'll make it through this. You worked way too hard to get this far and you deserve to succeed. Keep it positive!!!!
   — Deanna_K

March 20, 2003
Hi there. I had surgery on Sept. 5, 2002 and have lost about 78 pounds. This week I'm really struggling, as I had a breast lift and augmentation on Monday and made the idiotic mistake of weighing myself the afternoon following surgery. I know it's all IV fluid weight but I am up about 8 pounds and bothered terribly about it. I have been wanting to eat all week long, to comfort myself I guess, and that troubles me, as if I really don't have control of the eating situation afterall. I had been feeling wonderful about my success up until this week, and I hope once I heal from this breast surgery I will be feeling proud of my success again. Also, prior to this week I was going to the gym everyday and being very active, so the loss of the ability to workout, atleast temporarily, is making me depressed. Thanks for allowing me to vent!!
   — Samantha S.

March 20, 2003
I had my surgery on Sept. 25, 2002. I have lost (last time I weighed) 101.5 pounds. I have to say I feel great, but I want to eat. I would give anything to have a big ol steak fresh off the grill, but right now it doesn't agree wtih me. I would also enjoy a cinnibon. I am working very hard to keep this progress up and won't even cheat and taste anything with "Sugar" in it. You know what I mean, cookies, cakes, candy and the list can go on for a mile. I really do enjoy pretzels and potatoe chips though. They are my weakness. I find I'm getting to much carb and not enough protein, especially on tough days at the office. I guess the surgery is supposed to make us skinny, not necessarily happy.
   — Rachel W.

March 20, 2003
I had surgery on 9/5. I started at 220 (I'm 5' 1") and now weigh 142. I lost 12 pounds before surgery for a grand total of 90 pounds. I am doing pretty well with eating. If I have to have something when I'm not really hungry, I usually have a piece of beef jerky or a handfull of popcorn. Nothing too serious. One thing that has sort of helped to keep me from even trying anything with sugar is to make a game out of it. I keep thinking, I made it through Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day and Girl Scout Cookie month without a bite of sugar, surely, I can make it through Easter. Once I do that, the game will be to see if I can make it back to September without any. I don't know why excatly, but that's helped me.
   — Amber L.

March 20, 2003
Leah, I had surgery 8/15, OPEN RNY, I was 305 day of surgery and am now 205, down 100lbs. I am 7 mos out! I am not doing "emotional eating" but, I am coping with a lot of sweet cravings. Espically around my period. I am also craving carbs, I guess it's b/c I am working out alot! For the sweet cravings, I do "SF choc pudding" and "zone bars" for the emotional times, I work out ALOT! My hard times are my weekends and evenings. Good Luck! Heather (Open RNY 8/15 - 305/205/150)
   — heathercross

March 20, 2003
Leah--- I had lap rny Sept. 24, 2002 my starting weight was 364 and I am currently at 261 as of last night after dinner, so I may be down a couple of more pounds (who knows). I feel really good about myself, however I am afraid to eat.. I feel that if I eat I am going to gain the weight back again... I am so very happy I had the surgery I feel so good about myself even though I am still 261 pounds... Good Luck
   — April P.

March 20, 2003
My surgery was 9/17/02. My starting weight was 290. I have lost 100lbs exactly. I too deal with emotional eating but I also deal with the same demons that I dealt with before surgery such as eating out of boredom, stress, and when I'm PMS'ing I could eat a house. But like the previous posters have said don't beat yourself up. I think that we're just normal. I do eat some carbs too, probably more than I should. For the most part, I think I eat pretty normally (compared to what I could eat before surgery). I still battle with my head telling me I'm going to fail since I've failed so many diets before. I also battle with me head when I look at myself. I still see a 290 lb person standing there:( I think we're all going to be okay. I try to tell myself, they operated on my stomach, not my brain. I still have to work at how I "think" of myself. Take care of yourself. Robin ~*~ It's funny, what the caterpillar sees as the end of the world, the butterfly knows is only the beginning~*~
   — Robin V.

March 20, 2003
Hi Leah, my surgery (lap rny) was 9/4/02, I've lost 83 lbs. It is so wonderful, I am so much happier with my appearance and health, I'm wearing clothes that haven't fit for 6 years and back in regular sizes, no more plus ladies for me. I eat more out of boredom than anything else, slow times at work. What helps me is to track my calories every day to write down what I've eaten and how much, I also keep track of protein and water making sure I get those in every day. I keep careful track of how many calories I burn through exercise to try to keep the weight coming off at a steady rate for as long as possible. It is a struggle, but the real success for me has been that surgery was a springboard to more healthy habits (eating and exercise) and the tool helps me keep the eating in check. I can eat sweets but not too much at a time or I'll get sick and I don't do well with breads/baked goodies, so that has been a tremendous help. I still like to eat and could sneak in alot of calories in a day, but I watch it. I try not to have too many bad eating days, but sometimes it happens. Best of luck and you have a wonderful weightloss and alot to be proud of.
   — Margaret H.

March 20, 2003
Oh Yeah, I know about that! I had my surgery 9/3/02 and am down about 94 lbs. There is so much of a difference between head hunger or emotional hunger and real hunger. Remind me to tell you the difference. The "emotional eating" monster does raise it's ugly head from time to time, but I decided to get additional help by seeing a psychologist. Giving in to "the monster" doesn't will only make you depressed and set you back on the backward road. Pray, medidtae, drink more water and wait for about 15-20 minutes before submitting to any cravings~~do whatever you have to do (within reason) and try to get over it. Read, jump rope, go to the gym, KEEP BUSY. Call a friend, write a letter, journal...but what works best for me is PRAYER and making an talking with my psychologist. I hope something I've mentioned works for you.
   — yourdivaness

March 21, 2003
Hi I had surgery On 9/18/03. I have lost 103 pounds. I am just starting to exercise. Whenever I get hungry I DRINK, down the water. I no longer dump so I can eat anything I want. If you have any queations e-mail me at [email protected]. I went from 292 to 189. I went from a size 20 to a size 10, that right there blows my mind. I carry ALL my weight in my tummy how can I weigh 189 and wear a size 10???
   — nicole79

March 21, 2003
Hi! I had my Open RNY on 9-16-02...I am 5'2" and I weighed 287 the day of my surgery. I am 6 months post-op and Ihave lost a total of 92 lbs!!! I can't say in words just how happy I am and how good I feel. I have not eaten any candy,cakes or sweets... I read all labels and try to stay away fromanything that has >10 gms of sugar listed... My big downfall is salt!!! Anything and everything needs extra salt. CHIPS are a definite no-no in my house... I LOVE THEM!!!!!! But over all... I get true hunger pains and have to eat right away... but I will think that I am starving and only be able to eat small amt... My eyes are always bigger than my stomach!!! I do not regret one moment of the decision to have this surgery. I will not fail for the first time in my life in becomming healthy.... "God grant us continued successes even in the smallest forms!!!!" Susan Hardway
   — Susan H.

March 21, 2003
Hi, I had an Lap RYN on 9-30-02- I started @ 270 and I am down to 184- 86lbs gone. I have had no complications and no trouble with anything I've eaten so far. But I still think I eat too much, and I am still an emotional eater, But I excercise and dance and have lots of energy, and I try to drink lots of water. And I can stop myself from overeating now and I wasn't able to do that before. Take care, Rose
   — Rose B.

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