I had surgery 3 years ago and now my staple line has failed.
I have recently found out that I am leaking and I have an ulcerated staple line. I feel so lost and wonder what I did to cause this. I had the Roux Y surgery and I understand that only 1% have a problems with the staple line. I feel very sick. I am having problems getting to see a surgeon with my HMO. I have a fever a lot of the time and am worried about infection. I wish that I could find more on my problem. I am afraid that surgery will not be done for me. Please someone help me figure out this mess. — Kathleen K. (posted on February 20, 2003)
February 20, 2003
Hi Kathleen. First of all, you did nothing to cause this. Staple Lines can
fail in a very small percentages. Mine did. I had an ulcer on the staple
line also (and was in incredible pain). And I also switched jobs so I had
to worry about my new insurance covering the revision. Thankfully, they
did - no problems. I had no regain with the staple line disruption,
because it was caught early...but I surely would have. You did nothing
wrong. Please remember that. Disruptions aren't caused by overeating -
they are mechanical failures. I wish I had advice for you about getting
into a new doctor. Just call everyone who takes your insurance within a
200 mile radius if you have to. It's so important to get fixed -
especially since you're in pain and have a fever. Go to the ER if you need
to, to treat the infection. Please keep us posted. It doesn't happen
often, but it does happen, and there are others here who have been through
it and are here to help you. Good luck.
— Maureen S.
February 20, 2003
I had SLD at 5 yrs. It's not a "fault" issue. It's the body
trying to "right itself". And it's not a small % of us. It's a
very large % who SLD. I had a marginal ulcer & I was very much aware of
the return of acid to the pouch & esophagus. I had an ultimate regain
of 12#, as I waited 4 months for paperwork games. My ins did pay for it,
and the revision was uneventful. And the 12# fell back off. It's doable.
Several of us will hold your hand. You're not alone.
— vitalady
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