Hello, I'm wondering if anyone regrets having this surgery...

My surgery date is Feb. 12, I've talked with people who are very happy but have never heard of anyone with regrets...I guess I have pre-surgery jitters!    — Pairodise (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
My only regret about this surgery is not having it done sooner. JR
   — John Rushton

January 26, 2003
I agree with the previous response. I wish I had done it several years ago. BUT, if you would have asked me that question about 3 or 4 weeks after surgery, I would have said I regretted it!!!!:) But, now that I'm three months out and the pain is gone and I'm adjusting to my new way of life...and, it is the ABSOLUTE BEST thing I could have done for myself! It's worth the pain and changes you'll go through. Like you, I had pre-op jitters(a BIG case of them) but, I knew what I wanted and wouldn't let my fears stop me from my goal. Good luck!
   — lezawomack

January 26, 2003
I am a little more than a month post-op, and I don't regret it at all. However...I had a relatively easy recovery, no troubles with food or liquid, my incision is healing great, I have good energy...etc..etc...I am doing good on all the things that some post ops have lots of troubles with. Even so...most of those issues go away within the first couple months of surgery, and many people who originally regretted doing it, change their mine.
   — thekatinthehat

January 26, 2003
I am 8 months post-op and 15 pounds away from goal. Just like previous poster said, if you asked me within the first few weeks I may have said I regretted it! lol The pain was very bad, but that is only temporary, which my supportive family reminded me of everyday. I am 23, and didn't want to spend the best years of my life fat with no self-confidence. I did have a complication, however 6 weeks ago. I developed a marginal ulcer and had ahole in my new pouch. No one knows what caused it, and if it was the surgery (less than 1% chance) I still don't regret having WLS. I am still in pain from the ulcer, but everything is in perspective, i am going to be okay, and hell- I am thin now! No food tastes as good as being a size 8 feels. Sorry if that is superficial, but I guess that's how our society is unfortunately. Yes there are risks and complications, and I had one, but I don't regret it for a minute! Goodluck to you, I wish you a sppedy recovery from surgery!
   — Lezlie Y.

January 26, 2003
Many people regret this surgery. They are having various problems and some are severely ill. One of the reasons that the surgery is only for the morbidly obese is the dangerous nature of any surgery. There are also people who cannot cope with the lifetime supplements or restrictions. Most of us are so pleased, but never forget our suffering sibs who rarely post.
   — faybay

January 26, 2003
While I can't say I regret having this surgery, I'm not sure I would have done it had I known what was going to happen to me. I had a serious complication and was out of work for 6 months. Would I do it again? I'm not sure. Was it worth it? I'm not sure there either. I am pretty much fully recovered now, and I feel better than I have in a long time, but it was a long, hard road in getting to this point. See my profile for details.
   — garw

January 26, 2003

   — AB B.

January 26, 2003
Once the initial few days were done, I haven't regretted it for an instant and would be first in line to do it again if needbe.
   — Samantha S.

January 27, 2003
Hi Cheryl: I think you will find that those who are unhappy with the surgery rarely post anymore. Not only do they get bashed, but they are made to feel uncomfortable for their views on WLS. This is definitely not for everyone. Even with a only a small complication (marginal ulcer), I had an extremely difficult time after WLS, which lasted about three months. Unfortunately, nothing you read or hear can truly prepare you for surgery. It is such an individual thing with so many variables, that it is difficult to predict how any one particular person will do. That being said, I am completely satisfied myself. However, I can understand how some would not be, and I feel that they should be given every opportunity to explain their feelings. Complications and dissatisfaction with surgery should also be understood by those contemplating surgery. Not everyone sails through this. It is a complete lifestyle change. Hope this helps. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

January 27, 2003
Hi Cheryl, I am almost 8 weeks post-op. The first few weeks I thought, what have I done to myself. The pain was difficult week 1 and 2 but by week 3 I had some relief from the pain which was trapped gas and the drain causing some minor chest discomfort. No one can say how you will do. I had a friend who went the month before I did. Looked great in the hospital and the first week home. Then ended up back in the hospital due to other complications. She is doing great now and doing well. I don't regret the surgery or the 40 pounds I have lost since December 6. It truly is a personal decision that only you can make. Best wishes and I hope you have an event free procedure.
   — C R.

January 27, 2003
Cheryl, I can honestly say that despite the minor complication I had several days AFTER my surgery, I, too, would do it again in a heartbeat. The complication I had wasn't even related to the surgery. Many of those that have gone through this surgery have various reasons for regretting the WLS. I believe IF during the research stage that they had REALLY asked questions of the surgeon instead of other people, maybe they wouldn't feel this way. Oftentimes, we "play up" our particular choice of surgery whether it was DS (Duodenal Switch), RNY (Roux-N-Y), Lap Band, SRVG, VBG, etc...With ANY surgery, there are potential complications and risks that are involved. Mentally, the ONLY thing I was concerned with was not being a failure over and over again and not being in pain for the rest of my life. My decision was not based on how I looked either (most aren't). We got tired of failing health, discrimination, career advancement (looked over at promotion time). Get all of the information you can, do your OWN research, and it wouldn't hurt to seek spiritual guidance to make sure you are making the right decision. Again, I have no regrets, I feel sssooo much better and enjoying and appreciating life in GRAND-STYLE! I can play tennis now.
   — yourdivaness

January 27, 2003
I had my surgery done 6/4/01 and never gave a second thought. Oh, I had the jitters of the unknown since I hadn't had surgery before. My only regret is that I didn't do something sooner!
   — dolphins94

January 27, 2003
Do I regret being free from my obsession with food and my previously huge appetite? NOOOO. I would go under the knife every year if I had to, in order to live this full and wonderful non-obese life. 11 months out and still thrilled.
   — Kathy J.

January 28, 2003
hi there! :) i have been freed of my cage and life is great! post op im left with only one regret, that being i regret not having this wls sooner!!!!! :) but things happen in your life when they are suppose to and its never to late to change your life so really thats the only one i would say i have. :) best of luck to you!
   — carrie M.

January 29, 2003
I myself, had no regrets. Although I have yet to get to goal- this surgery has provided me with a sense of normalcy- that I thank God for every day. I do agree with the previous poster who says you will be married to this surgery, but then you should be aware of this before going in... also be aware of plateaus, possible complications etc. Take good care of yourself, if you have problems- see as many specialists as you can. Be responsible for yourself. Do not resign yourself to acceptance if you are disatisfied. Like any surgery that can change you - WLS, Plastic Surgery etc. there are bound to be people disatisfied with results, or in some cases, sacrifices. It is a head game as well as a health game. Good Luck.
   — Karen R.

January 29, 2003
Although I'm am pleased with my weight loss -125 lbs. in 8 mos. and wearing an 8-10 in jeans, about 20-30 lbs. to goal I would never do it again, I will be skinny the rest of my life, but my food restrictions due to surgery (I'm lactose intolerant, and DUMP on anything and everything it seems) has left me really unhappy with my quality of life. I wish that I had tried just one more time (although I did try every trick and pill my Dr. had up his sleeve) to lose weight on my own. I feel sick ALL the time! It's lovely, my husband and I don't even attempt to eat out, what's the point, I'll just feel like shit and have to lay down for an hour till the feeling passes! This is a great tool for some, It just wasn't for me. I was Transected, and told it couldn't be life goes on!!!!!
   — Tambi B.

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